December 12, 2005

AFI's Top 10 Films of 2005

The American Film Institute has handed out their list for the top 10 films of 2005. The list is given in no particular order. Here is their list:


There are a couple on there I still haven't seen yet, but overall it's a nice list. I still say to this point that the BEST film of the year so far has been Cinderella Man. Put all the Russell Crowe hatred aside and it's a hell of a movie. It's also nice to see The 40 Year Old Virgin on that list.

As an aside, the AFI also listen their top 10 TV shows of 2005, I only mention this because my favorite TV show (Which I'm starting to think my be the best television show ever produced) is on the List. Battlestar Galactica!


Posted by John Campea at December 12, 2005 10:21 AM


strictly speaking, it's given in alphabetical order... but it's a good lst. Batman Begins and Serenity are perhaps the only things i'd bump onto the films. Have to agree about Battlestar. That show is just leagues above anything else on tv right now.

Posted by: Tomas L. Martin at December 12, 2005 10:39 AM

I agrrre, Batman and Serenity should have been on the list.

BUt i like tjeir TV-list. Three of my favorite shows are on it, 24, LOST and Veronica mars

Posted by: hi at December 12, 2005 12:55 PM

Definitely bummed out that Batman Begins was not on the list.

In general, I am curious as to why one doesn't hear more about Batman Begins in terms of award and oscar talk.

BB was one of the finest adaptations of a comic book into movie form that I've seen. It is up there with the Spiderman movies, and is certainly truer to the comic book genre than say, the earlier Batman movies or the Superman movies, which were mainly played for laughs.

The look of Batman was very haunting, with cinematographer Wally Pfister achieving an excellent film noirish atmosphere throughout. Also, the film used very little CGI effects, giving the film a "realer" look than most recent comic book movies (just say "The Hulk").

So good direction (Christopher Nolan) and cinematography, good script and acting are to be found in Batman Begins. Just funny that only smaller, artier films are considered for Awards/Oscars when there are so many outstanding technical aspects in some of the bigger films.

Posted by: watcher714 at December 12, 2005 02:10 PM

Wow, not hard to tell where that movie list comes from. 6 of the 10, Brokeback Mountain, Crash, Good Night and Good Luck, A History of Violence, Munich, and Syriana, are at worst flat out leftwing propaganda and at best of-the-left, dealing with predominately leftist concerns or otherwise neutral concerns from a left point of view. I don't know anything about the Squid movie, for all I know it could be as well.

There was clearly no chance that a movie like Cinderella Man could have made a list like this. It features a strong man who fights to keep his family together through hard work and guts. Such is the perversion of our current environment that such a simple notion is automatically labelled Republican and therefore doubleplusungood. Mark my words: Cinderella Man won't win or be nominated for any notable awards. Nothing.

The same for Batman Begins, which again because it features someone fighting back against injustice is perceived as right wing, as is Goblet of Fire and Narnia, so forget about them too.

Posted by: arminius at December 12, 2005 02:27 PM

Well, A history of Violence is definetely a great film (and not leftwing propaganda). Munich must be great also, because these guys have also seen it and it´s already in the list.

This list is also a good clue for the Oscar Race.

Posted by: Peter at December 12, 2005 03:02 PM

Kiss, Kiss Bang, Bang should be on that list too.. I expect at least one Oscar nom for that movie..

Posted by: Kevin at December 12, 2005 07:41 PM

Where's Sin City? I know its not a conventional award movie but I still expected it to be on the list.

Posted by: James at December 12, 2005 08:13 PM


I agree, Cinderella Man should've been on there. Fantastic movie. Probably Ron Howard's to Apollo 13.

Also, Arminius is absolutly right (no pun intended), Hollywood will never give an award to anything even slightly slanted to the right; mostly because they have to make one first. If anyone can point out any Hollywood made film (or TV show for that matter) to me that shows a republican in a positive light and a democrat in a negative one, let me know. I'd be very interested, but I bet you can't find one.

My only argument would be "A History of Violence." I don't see how it's left-wing at all. It was a very under-rated movie and I'd like to see it again one day.


Posted by: Drewbacca at December 12, 2005 08:43 PM