November 30, 2005

X-Men 3 storyboard spoilers

X-Men3-TeaserPoster.jpgThe Fantastic Four DVD contains some interesting additional features for X-Men 3 in the form of Storyboard teasers, however you should be very aware that there are spoilers here.

Over at Comic Book Movie they carry the link to the images of the storyboards captured from the DVD.

So I'll hold them off for the full story, in the meantime if you prefer some non-spoilers, take a look at some photos of Cameron Bright getting ready for his role as Leech.

Spoilers and storyboard link follow... some of the storyboards used in a scene in which Magneto attacks the Golden Gate bridge...

..Arad says during the preview that "Wolverine will have to do what he dislikes the most... become a leader," according to Superhero Hype. "We also see Wolverine being injected with something in the storyboards, Magneto breaking prisoners out of cells, and the Golden Gate Bridge being destroyed and being redirected towards Alcatraz."

You can see the full storyboards here.

Posted by at November 30, 2005 04:05 AM


I have a pretty strong feeling that this movie is going to suck big time. If it is even half as stupid as the last one...then dang man...someone should get slapped hard!!! But on a side note, I actually am very fairly interested in seeing the bridge get destroyed and thrown at alcatrez!!!

Posted by: MechoPower at November 30, 2005 10:38 AM

very mice

Posted by: AVNEI HA'CHOSHEN at December 1, 2005 11:05 AM

Right on, MechoPower, this movie will stink based on what i have heard. Who decided which new characters were getting introduced, or which storyline they would use? LEECH! Why the hell would put him in this movie? And who decide to put Kelsey Grammar as Beast?!?! Plus, the Dark Phoenix plotline sux, it always has. I mean, i seriously doubt they'de intro duce the Shi'ar in this. They're probably coming up with some pathetic evolution plot. BRYAN SINGER PLEASE COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Brian at December 1, 2005 12:58 PM

I still think the movie might be all right. Where did you hear that they were putting leech in the movie? If he is, then I hope he has a small role because he's not really all that cool.

Posted by: Joe at December 1, 2005 10:43 PM

Uh, dude, maybe you should read the article on this post. That's where i found out they had leech in this movie.

Posted by: Brian at December 2, 2005 09:47 AM

Uh, dude, shut the hell up I didn't read the whole article dipshit.

Posted by: Joe at December 2, 2005 06:29 PM

Hey, man, what's with the anger? I'm not mad at you or anything. Anyway, the pics of Bright suck. They should put really cool characters like Gambit and Angel. Instead we're getting Leech and Shadowcat. bullcrap!

Posted by: Brian at December 2, 2005 08:44 PM

oh ok. I thought you were trying to be sarcastic or something like that. Yeah those pics do suck and I wish gambit was in the movie too.

Posted by: Joe at December 3, 2005 12:33 PM