November 01, 2005

X-Men 2.5 DVD on the Way

There is an X-Men 2.5 DVD on the way. And depending on your point of view this can be either a good or a bad thing.

I've gone on record that I don't like it when companies release different DVD "versions" at different times. I think that if they want to have multiple versions of a DVD with different content, then they should release them at the same time and give their fans the fair choice of which one to get.

However, this one looks like it MAY be a little different. It seems that they're filming a whole bunch of new content for the X-Men 2.5 DVD release that could be heading our way in time for Christmas. The good folks over at give us this:

Mark Millar has confirmed that Fox Home Entertainment is working on a "X-Men 2.5" DVD: "Weird day yesterday. Got up nice and early, but got bugger all done thanks to a chain of events beyond my control. One was a film crew in my office to record them DVD extra bits for the back of X-Men 2.5 and another for the Ultimate Avengers animated movie out in the Spring."
I really enjoyed X-Men 2 and if they're going to go around and film all new content for a "special DVD re-release of the film then maybe that'll be ok. I'm still not sold on the whole idea... but we'll wait and see if this new content justifies an X-Men 2.5 or not.

Posted by John Campea at November 1, 2005 01:13 PM




What in the hell can possibly be put on an X2 1.5?! That original two disc set had everything, every-thing. So what the hell could possibly be new? There were two AC's, so I doubt there will be a third, unless it is the actors (?) but I don't know squat. Tell you what, how much you want to bet the 'new' stuff is all to hype 'X3'? It's a no-brainer people.

Posted by: darren seeley at November 01, 2005 19:13

Unøess they jutify the 2.5 with a actual thing that bridges X2 and X3 like the title imply i won't buy it

Posted by: hi at November 01, 2005 19:26

I just want those bloopers they showed on one of those conferences thingy. You know, where Logan licks the beer bottle while looking at Bobby or when he moans 'Oh, bobby' during his sleep.

Posted by: Kara at November 02, 2005 07:06

The only reason I can see for this is either discovery of new material, or the creation of new material.

However this can often be a case of cashing in, even if they meet these cases. Unless the new or discovered material is interesting, engaging and enlightening on the movie and it's process, there's no real point.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at November 02, 2005 08:13

I won't be buying it. I see this is a blatant way to cash in on the release of X3 next year. Personally, I would be happy if the studios took their time in releasing films on DVD so that they got it right the first time. The average turnaround time from theater to DVD is now about 3 months. I'd gladly wait 6 months and not have to deal with 2 or 3 DVD releases of the same film.

Posted by: Alter Ego Comics at November 02, 2005 12:38

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