November 28, 2005

Tomb Raider 3?

AngelinaJolie.jpgWhile the videogame itself is undergoing a huge transformation and a new and improved version is in the works to revitalise the slightly sagging character, the movie franchise seems alive and well. Talk is that Angelina Jolie is set to reprise her role in a third outing for a very successful videogame conversion.

From Coming Soon:

SCI, the video game company that owns Lara Croft, along with her "Tomb Raider" franchise, is in talks with Paramount Pictures over licensing the property for a third movie, reports The Business Online. It claims that Angelina Jolie has once again expressed an interest in starring as Lara Croft.

Quite frankly with the first two installments having grossed more than $400million worldwide I can't blame any of the parties involved. Also, I wouldn't mind seeing another one, I mean they aren't deep thinking thrillers, but they have proven to be good and exciting entertainment. Wouldn't you like to see another outing?

Posted by at November 28, 2005 06:56 AM


Yes please. Tomb Raider for me has always been a watered down indiana jones with an absolute hottie as Lara.

Mindless drivel, whilst watching ms jolie bounce about? when is it released, i'll go and book my ticket now.

Posted by: Pablo at November 28, 2005 08:54 AM

"Wouldn't you like to see another outing?"

Posted by: darren seeley at November 28, 2005 09:26 AM

Yeah I wouldn't mind seeing another Tomb Raider. I have none of the games but does one need an excuse to see the fair Angelina in a skimpy wetsuit or combat gear again.

The previous two films pushed her to her physical limits and I admire that in an actress (jesus, who wouldn't), But I think it would be good fer her and would further prove to the world that she can take the physical punishment and has a commitment to her action movies as well as her other role. Especially those that aren't as memorable... "Alexander" anyone?

I also like parts of the script from the first tow movies. Making it a trilogy would be a great thing to do, especially for such a franchise.

Posted by: Andy at November 28, 2005 09:51 AM

I fell asleep while watching the first one and never found the energy to care about the second one after the first bored me so.

I can download pictures of Angelina in skimpy clothes for free from the internet, why waste ten bucks going to see that at the cinema, lol?

This isn't 2003 any more, it's 2005 and people are getting sick of these exact kinds of movies, so if you love the death of Hollywood, by all means encourage a third Tomb Raider, a fourth Die Hard, a fourth Rambo etc etc

Posted by: Stuart @ Cinema Blend at November 28, 2005 02:34 PM

Its a real shame how badly they destroyed the Lara Croft character. This was a true indiana jones-esque character that happened to be a hot chick. But instead of making it about an adventure they made it about how good looking she was and how long she can snarl at a camera.

And this is the problem with tough chicks. They pose so much that you just can't believe the moment. Just take a look at any Angelina Jolie role, the Aeon Flux trailer or Michelle "i smell rotten eggs" Rodriguez on Lost. They do something then they stand there trying to look tough and as an audience member you just don't buy it.

Sure, its the movies so I can accept a 98lb heroine kicking a 250lb bouncer through a door. But whats with the posedown at the end of every scene? We get it, youre hot and tough. Now get on the damn motorcycle already.

Posted by: Cole at November 28, 2005 04:24 PM

Oh come now Stuart, it's not really these franchises that are killing the movies, it's the cheap ass remakes and sequels. Die Hard and Rambo have at least got potential.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at November 28, 2005 04:46 PM

I can't accept the 98lb heroine kicking the 250lb bouncer through the door, and neither can alot of other people, and more are catching on all the time which is why I doubt this movie will make much more than 50m.

This third Tomb Raider is the result of how well Mr and Mrs Smith did (the series was dead before then), but sorry AJ you won't have Brad holding your hand next time and that made all the difference.

A fourth Die Hard or Rambo is what the B.O. needs though, they don't make action movies like they use to, with men.

Posted by: Jonesy at November 28, 2005 04:48 PM

Ewww... the first one was almost watchable... the second was was just horendous (in my simple little opinion). No... no interest in them making another one. However.. .just to prove Richard's theory is correct... even though I don't want another Boobraider film, I'll probably still see it opening weekend.


Posted by: John Campea at November 28, 2005 05:15 PM

i'm with richard on this. i think there's still chance for Tomb Raider 3, Die Hard 4, and Rambo 4 to be good and entertaining. It's just they need to find the right director, script, etc. and have a huge budget. JUst like, I wouldn't mind if they made another Star Trek movie with the TNG crew. If they fill the screen with enough blood, violence and explosions, i'll be there!

In fact, I have no problems with sequels. Until i watch a sequel, all this stuff is just speculation, so I just think it's still a good idea til it we finally get to watch the end film. And if the sequel is bad, the next one after could still be good. an example of that would be the Star Trek movies.

Posted by: jack at November 28, 2005 07:18 PM

the sequel grossed just $65M and cost roughly $90M... it is widely considered to be a flop. why would paramount want to sink even MORE money into that failing franchise?? it's beyond me.

Posted by: dr. theopolis at November 28, 2005 08:05 PM

IS that 65mil worldwide dr.? I am not a fan of the films and Angelina is not enough to get my butt in the seat but alas my wife is a fan so I will probably be there to see her punch another shark. I will say that I thought Gerard Butler was acceptable in part two and the music was good.

Posted by: crackerjack at November 28, 2005 08:14 PM

I'll see this movie if she does a nude scene.

Posted by: You Know My Name at November 28, 2005 11:25 PM

Why is there a guy spamming apartments in Marrakesh in a Tomb Raider 3 blog entry?


Posted by: Stuart @ Cinema Blend at November 29, 2005 05:50 PM