November 18, 2005

TideLand trailer online

The new Terry Gilliam film has dropped its trailer online at the TideLand official site.

Well I'm really not sure what to think of this, watching the trailer it looks all over the place and there's nothing really that coherent to it. Sure it looks nice and you can gleam a few things from it, but really it's mostly eye candy. Is it me or am I going to reminded of MirrorMask?

Have a look at it and let us know what you think.

Posted by Richard Brunton at November 18, 2005 03:48 AM


Saw this in Toronto. It's actually a really well cut together trailer for a movie that is a complete festering pile of crap. It's poorly acted (with the exception of the little girl) with a terrible script. The direction isn't bad at times but it needed an editor really bad. And it's creepy in the squirming in your seat why the hell am I watching this type of creepy (not the fun good type of creepy). I love Terry and it was a rush seeing a Python on the red carpet 2 feet away from me but this movie is horrible. Much worse than the Brothers Grimm. And that's saying alot

Posted by: Ben at November 18, 2005 08:44 AM

Interesting website, nice trailer, I feel interested in watching this movie though with Ben's brief review maybe I won't get too excited about watching it. Oh - I'll still see it because I'm intrigued and hope that maybe I see something more than Ben did.

Posted by: Meli at November 18, 2005 01:56 PM

There are two reviews of Tideland over at Twitchfilm (one positive, one (mine) negative)...The film is a bit bloated...I personally think the trailer looks pretty good, but the film is overlong and meandering (and not in a good way, as some other Gilliam films are...)

Posted by: kurt at November 18, 2005 06:30 PM