November 10, 2005

The Fountain trailer online

DarrenAronofsky.jpgThere's been a lot of talk about this movie for some time now, and there's a lot of people looking forward to this intriguing movie, and now you can actually see some of it in the form of the official trailer which is hosted over at Apple courtesy of Twitch.

Again, since I'm at work I can't watch it, so I bow to you readers who I urge to go see it and come back with your thoughts. This has promised a lot, and is it going to deliver? I've heard that the trailer is quite confusing...I'll see it in ten hours!

Posted by at November 10, 2005 04:04 AM


Wow! Okay...I came home sick from work with a migraine, but before I slope off to bed I had to check out that trailer. I'm sorry, teaser.

That looks stunning...and so little information. I love the presentation and the style.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at November 10, 2005 07:25 AM

This movie looks fantastic. I'm eager to see what Aronofsky has in store for us after the incredible Requiem for a Dream.

Posted by: arjcandyman [TypeKey Profile Page] at November 10, 2005 07:52 AM

Teasing teaser!

Posted by: Simone at December 10, 2005 02:45 PM