November 18, 2005

Superman Teaser online

SupermanReturnsPoster_small.jpgYeah, just as everyone else has probably told you, but hey, I was sleeping, so what can I say. Anyway, the Superman Teaser Trailer is now live online and available to download and view.

So why am I not all over this like a hot rash? Over exposure. For we pretty much know all the shots and content from Bryan's Blog and various other teasers around the Net. We've seen the looking from space moment in storyboard format, we've seen a man fly and leap short conrfields in a single bound, we know all there is to know about Superman. So there's nothing eye popping or jaw dropping about what he can do.

The teaser itself doesn't give us much more, a couple of shots of Routh to make us see that he really does look the part, and some cool effects, and the great Brando voice...but we've seen all that, we know all that. How I wish to be a member of the audience when that plays for the first time infront of a movie and I see it without knowning all that we know.

What did I feel? Really? I had some anticipation for the music, that got me slightly excited, just like the Elfman Batman theme does. That's it I'm afraid, a huge anti-climax for me. We needed to see something more than "Look, we've brought him back to the screen".

So what's to blame? Well the teaser is just that, a teaser, it's a good one. It shows us that feeling of Superman Returning, which isn't just on the movie level either. There's something about acceptance too, it's like asking the audience to accept this Superman, and it does it well. So no fault there I think.

Personally I see it with the Blog, the immense amount of information, sketches, discussion, etc that we've seen. Most of that has given us more of an anticipation and wow factor than the teaser.

So you've probably now seen the Superman Returns trailer. What do you think about it? Has it ramped up your expectation levels, and if so have you been avoiding the Blog and other information on the movie?

Posted by at November 18, 2005 11:50 AM


Well, I really liked the trailer. It brought out the fanboy in me. Even though that's not such a hard thing to do. But think of it this way: how many people have actually seen all the video journals, visited all the websites, and essentially spent as much time anticipating this movie as we (bloggers and fanboys in general) have? The teaser is meant to be seen by the general public (it's opening with Harry Potter, after all), and I think for them it will be all new, and very cool. Personally, I can't wait to see it on the big screen this weekend.

Posted by: Egotastic! at November 18, 2005 05:07 AM

Well, I have to say that it was a complete let down. Nothing we have not already seen via video diaries etc. The "homebrew" teaser we saw a little while back was a better effort I feel.

It's a shame, beacause I am a HUGE Superman fan and I have got a gut feeling that this film is going to be horrible. I really could not be less excited. Best bit? Kevin Spacey and it ends there for me...The music and Brando was really spine-tingling though!

Posted by: Shinra78 at November 18, 2005 05:12 AM

Everyone moans about how it's a great let down after watching the production diaries or the rough-cut comic-con trailer etc...

Keep in mind this is the teaser for the GENERAL AUDIENCE, not a bunch of internet movie or comic geeks like us. And for a bunch of old-school Superman fans. In that respect it's perfect.

It's on a par with the original Star Wars teaser with Alec Guiness for me. While there's nothing jaw dropping or spectacular, there's not supposed to be, it's a teaser not a full final trailer. All it's SUPPOSED to do for now, is say "We're bringing him back."

I just really really hope John Ottman is using Williams' score more than he's implying he's gonna do, as they're really pushing the marketing using Williams' one and it works great. Especially after the generally poor reception the "all-new" Batman score got.

Superman deserves his Theme.

Posted by: Stuart @ Cinema Blend at November 18, 2005 07:21 AM

I've been totally apathetic to the whole film so I gotta admit the teaser made me curse Bryan Singer's name since it managed to get me interested.

I'm just hoping that the whole "tied into the Donner stuff" works.

I really don't want it to look dated or done on sound stages. From what I've read it won't have that "sound stage" look that plagued Metropolis in the earlier films and Gotham in all pre-Batman Begins films.

Arrrgh!!! Damn you Bryan Singer! The jumping through the cornfield moment just has a "golden age superman" feeling to it and that I most definitely loved!

Posted by: Naladahc [TypeKey Profile Page] at November 18, 2005 07:58 AM

I was totally disapointed with the teaser. Not because the production notes and video diaries have shown us so much more... \

but because that little fan made trailer we had up over a month ago was so much better. Considering how fast that "fake" trailer got around, couldn't they have looked at it and said to themselves "We have to at LEAST make this real teaser better than that"

They didn't. The movie will rock... but whoever put together this teaser hasn't helped the cause at all.


Posted by: John Campea at November 18, 2005 09:06 AM

It's great to have you back you argumentative sod.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at November 18, 2005 09:21 AM

I had already seen most of it, the blogs, sketches, all of that stuff. I'm obsessed, but since the official trailer has been released, I've alreardy watched it like 20 times, lol. Great teaser, and like others said, its meant for the general audience, not us, who have looked at all this all the time online. Very good teaser, dyyyyyyying for this movie. That is my opinion at least.

Posted by: Joey at November 18, 2005 09:38 AM

well, that was a whole lot of excitement for nothing.

Posted by: B A T M A N at November 18, 2005 10:24 AM

I have to say...the juice wasn't worth the squeeze. The trailer sucked...I mean it sucked ASS!! Already we know the movie is based around a "Love Story" between Lois and Clark. Now the trailer they threw out there doesn't show shit.

Bottom Line...Superman Returns Trailer = Very disappointing

Posted by: TM at November 18, 2005 10:54 AM

As a part of the "general audience", I love this teaser. This movie is going to rock and roll.

Posted by: Peter at November 18, 2005 11:28 AM

I am in TOTAL AGREEMENT with Stuart.

I have avoided the video journals because it ruins the whole thing for me. I wanted to see what the general public would see and that's what I got from the teaser trailer. For me, it's huge. It's Superman.

They are still in production. Give them a break.

Posted by: nOva at November 18, 2005 11:37 AM

I am abstaining. I burnt out on trying to find every little nugget of info for the LOTR movies. Unless it pops up when I am watching TV I have avoided specifically hunting out sneek previews for all the new movies.

Posted by: Lou_Sytsma at November 18, 2005 11:55 AM

I think this is an excellent teaser, not because of the visuals, theyre not that great (theyre just a bunch of scenes that fade in and out), but the voice over by Brando, "...they are a good people, they wish to be good, Im sending my son....." it almost sounds like he's talking about Jesus lol. But its very effective and stirs your emotions because that is Superman. He's not one of these conflicted superheroes like Batman, or Blade, or X-Men... Superman is totally a force for good in the world. He's a good old-fashioned hero, and thats what Hollywood needs more of.

Posted by: Jonesy at November 18, 2005 12:33 PM

Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy.

Who to address first?


"It's on a par with the original Star Wars teaser with Alec Guiness for me. While there's nothing jaw dropping or spectacular, there's not supposed to be, it's a teaser not a full final trailer. All it's SUPPOSED to do for now, is say "We're bringing him back.""

I agree with you that a teaser trailer is supposed to do just that - TEASE you with very little snippets of what's in store - and what's in store is that Superman is finally coming back to the big screen.

HOWEVER - the teaser did not convince me, in fact, that superman was coming back to the big screen.

Instead, it convinced me that some guy who dresses like Superman is coming to Earth. That's about it.

As for it being on par with the first Star Wars Teaser (I believe you mean Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith) the only similarity is the fact that they both used recycled voice overs on the trailer.

HOWEVER, the Star Wars trailer gave you an excellent setup as to what to come - and we get to see Darth Vader for the first time.

We see NOTHING new in this trailer other than ... well, nothing.

As a matter of fact, the "FAKE" teaser trailer had more and better footage, AND had the same music. The biggest difference is the end sequence with Brandon flying back to earth, which was very CGI - ESQUE and looked almost EXACTLY like Matrix 2 - go back and watch how Neo Flies through the sky and shoots down to Earth, and how the cameras move.

Someone mentioned that it was cool how Brandon said "My only son" and how that's akin to Jesus. Yes, that's true.

Just one problem: That voice over was taken from Superman I, a movie released over 35 years ago.

Could we at LEAST get maybe get ONE vocal snippet from someone in this new feature? I would have settled for a nice little Brandon vocal saying, "It's good to be home." Anything ... or "Good to be back". Something.

But no, we get recycled voice overs, and LOTS of CGI.

I was disappointed only because I thought that Warner Brothers would be smart and release a much better version of the Fan Trailer.

Instead, we got almost exactly the fan trailer but with higher quality video.

Big whooop.

I hope this movie doesn't just provide great visuals. It surely will. Singer is a master of using CGI as we all witnessed in both X-Men and X2. He's a master.

But as for story ...

It feels as if he's going down the gay road again. The homosexual acceptance thing.

What do I mean?

In X-Men the Mutants were homosexuals and had to strive to be accepted or accept to be rejected. The infighting is what made the movie interesting. One side of the homosexuals (i.e., Mutants) liked the humans and wanted to try to get them to understand them and the other side hated the humans (i.e, hetereosexuals) and wanted to kill them.

I feel as if this trailer is going to be one of accepting an outsider back into a world that has learned to live without him...

And an outsider as a youth ...

God please don't do the gay acceptance thing again, mr. Singer. We know you're gay, and frankly, we don't care. But please do honor and justice to Kal-El and don't screw up a great story.

Posted by: SpideyFan at November 18, 2005 01:05 PM

" almost sounds like he's talking about Jesus lol."
Jonesy, it's so funny you wrote that because that is what my mom said last night when we watch the teaser trailer.

The teaser for me, which was attached to Smallville last night, I thought did it's job. It teased the audience. Visually the shots are beautiful, but it wasn't really enough to get me too excited. I have faith the movie is going to be wonderful, but I'm still low on the excitement scale. I think once it gets closer I'll be bouncing up and down with anticipation.

Posted by: Meli at November 18, 2005 01:22 PM

All I can say is....MEH.

Posted by: Kristina at November 18, 2005 01:37 PM

This trailer is all about John Williams's music. Is Ottman up to this?

Posted by: David at November 18, 2005 03:55 PM

Didnt do nothing at all for me, I'll wait for the "other" teasers, maybe that will do it.

Posted by: Simone at November 18, 2005 05:22 PM

As someone who was totally disappointed in "Batman Begins", I'm torn about "Superman Returns". On the one hand, it is a sequel to the first two Superman movies, something I really wish WB would have done with Batman. But on the other hand, all that I've heard and seen of the story and footage, leads me to think this film isn't gonna be that great anyway. Guess I'll just wait til next Summer for the final verdict. PS-- I would much rather see New Line's SHAZAM movie instead of another Superman film under any circumstances. The original Captain Marvel is the greatest. Superman---eh.

Posted by: Bret at November 20, 2005 05:47 PM

I hadn't seen any of the other material that you guys are posting about before going to the theater this weekend for "Goblet of Fire" and when the trailer hit, I have to admit that I marked out like a little fan boy bitch. The music gave me goosebumps, Brando's voice fit perfectly into the theme of the trailer, the tone of the spot was dead on ... it all worked for me. Could be a matter of going in fresh ... or it might just be that I'm a mark for the old theme music? Hard to say.

Posted by: Greg at November 29, 2005 11:10 AM