November 07, 2005

Super-Ex Girlfriend pictures

There's nothing in these pictures that's revealing about the story behind the movie Super Ex-Girlfriend, it's just that Uma Thurman looks so gorgeous!

Check out the stills over at UmaThurmanFans through Coming Soon.

She does look fabulous!

Posted by at November 7, 2005 04:48 PM


She is, isnt she? Love Uma Thurman!

Posted by: Simone at November 7, 2005 05:54 PM

Hmm... Personally I really don't find Uma that attractive, but that being said, it's not why I commented...

The coat and the belt she wears in the pictures could easily been from the winter uniforms of the Norwegian royal guards. That, I find quite disturbing since I used to be one of them... :)

Thank God that's the only similarity. I can say for sure, that I would look pretty damn ridiculous in the rest of the outfit.. :D

Posted by: morten at November 7, 2005 06:05 PM

I dig her coat. She looks great. I don't know what the dude above me is smoking.

Posted by: Kristina at November 8, 2005 10:57 AM

Yeah, Uma looks fantastic and that outfit is great.

Posted by: josh at November 8, 2005 12:12 PM

Hehehe, I can’t see what my smoking habits have to do with anything, but for your information I hardly ever smoke, perhaps twice a year, and then only regular cigarettes. ;)

Although I might not find Ms. Thurman all that attractive, I must admit that the outfit looks extremely cool, and I never said anything else. What I did say though, was that the outfit strikes a close resemblance to the uniforms of the Norwegian royal guards, at least some parts of it. This may have hurt my pride a tiny bit, or at least, it made me think about what I actually wore when I were on duty… Me thinking: “So, this is what I looked like for a couple of months in 04, a friggin’ female-superhero”. Then I tried to joke it of by saying that I would look stupid in the rest of the outfit ;)

Anywho, for those of you who would like to see the resemblance for yourself, here’s a photo: it was the only one I found with the winter uniform.

Posted by: morten at November 8, 2005 12:20 PM