November 06, 2005

Star Wars advertising on The Apprentice

DarthTatter.jpgI understand the idea of advertising, marketing and market saturation, I've worked in a company connected with marketing before, and e-learning is successful through marketing. So I understand why and how, yet there's part of the whole process that destroys what's being marketed. A product can be over hyped, and it cheapens the product.

That's how I feel about Star Wars, there's so much marketing for it out there that the characters now feel like advertising ploys, and no longer those revered beings from the movies. That's also leaked back into the movies themselves for me, and it's dulled the effect of these characters. Seeing Vader being ridiculed on mobile phone adverts throughout British cinemas does have an affect when you go and watch the dreaded villain in Star Wars again, he's not as fearsome as he once was.

That said however, it's funny to see the advertisements for The Apprentice show over at Egotastic!

What do you think of the adverts, and how do you feel about the affect they are having on the movies themselves?

Posted by at November 6, 2005 09:04 AM


No effect on me really. These are characters I have loved all these years and if that means being able to get them as a free action figure from a Burger King promo, or from a box of Kellogg's I'll go and buy it. Its part and parcel of being a kid, revelling at the stuff you get from the movies.

Did you say revered? I have never looked at any character from the Star Wars films or any other film character in that way. At the end of the day, no matter how I love these films and what a geek it has made of me, they're just movies. So now, let me get my Darth Tater! LOL

Posted by: Simone at November 6, 2005 09:24 AM

I agree. I have a very strong opinion about the STAR WARS films. Lucas has definitely destroyed a very good thing. Seeing these characters in every Burger King fries cup was pathetic. I COULDN'T WAIT TO SEE EPISODE III JUST SO THAT IT WOULD BE ALL OVER. THEY ALL PRETTY MUCH SUCKED....LUCAS IS OVERRATED... AND HE SUCKS TOO.

Posted by: JAGMIR at November 6, 2005 11:06 PM