November 15, 2005

Sinbad and Keanu dropped

SinbadCyclops.jpgI couldn't believe it when Keanu Reeves was announced as Sinbad in the remake by Rob Cohen, it all said bad acting and huge explosions to me, but then Cohen produces fun movies so maybe it would have turned out okay. Doesn't matter now, it seems that Sony have dropped the movie.

The black and white quote from LA Times through Coming Soon.

Cohen's $135-million Stealth was a summer flop, grossing just $32.1 million in domestic theaters and generating a Sony loss of almost $50 million. "It didn't seem like a good idea for us to make that movie after 'Stealth,' " Pascal said of "Sinbad."

Yep, that's dead. I'm happy that they aren't butchering that classic. Not to say Cohen would do that, but Keanu in the lead just didn't do it for me, and a remake of such a movie should really be done by an exceptional team or not at all. Happy days?

Posted by at November 15, 2005 04:54 AM


good job holding down the fort while the other dudes are away, man.... you've been keeping this place afloat very nicely.

sinbad is the type of lighthearted story that could be done tongue and cheek and made funny.... look at the animated version. not a bad flick. not an oscar winner, no. but still good.

i would like to see what someone... anyone capable ... could do with this movie.

this is the perfect story for sam rami.

Posted by: mogulus at November 15, 2005 11:01 AM

Thanks for that Mogulus...I've been getting a lot of negative comments of late and starting to get worn down! That just cheered me up.

Now, I hadn't thought of that. I'd been looking at a solid, faithful remake, but actually a bit of a light hearted romp might just work. As long as it's not a Scary Movie type romp!

Posted by: Richard Brunton at November 15, 2005 01:03 PM

Yeah, Richard is doing a very fine job. Now just change the housekeys and take it all over from here !
;-) just kiddin'.

Sinbad would be a great picture. I would love to see a real action movie in an old arabian setting. I played Prince of Persia recently on PS2 and I was saying to myself that they should really think about an adaptation. It would not only be a lot of fun but also, for a change, put a focus on something else than decay and terrorism.

Now I understand the position of Sony. They rather put their money in a stupid sequel that will generate dollars because of its reputation, than to invest in delicate project such as this. I don't like Rob Cohen, but I am sure that if Sam Raimi would have an interest in this project, Sony would change his mind pretty fast.

Posted by: darko at November 15, 2005 02:00 PM

Get him a woman of color to play opposite of him for God's sake! Charlize Theron and crew have gotten the best years from him. Now he is middle aged and fighting the diminishing overall box office to boot, Sisters have not had much of chance to make big money next to him. Neither have Black screenwriters or directors!

Posted by: Mary aka Kay at November 15, 2005 02:20 PM

This is good news, I could barley take Keanus acting seriously in the Matrix, this would have me on the floor and yet at the same time in tears knowing a classic has been butchered with weed trimmers and guitar string.

And I hope Raimi decides to make a Spider-Man 4 before deciding make a Sinbad movie.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at November 16, 2005 08:15 AM