November 07, 2005

Saw 3 confirmed

Saw2Poster.jpgMore sequel news from the official Saw website through Movies Online. No sooner has Saw II been released than they've announced the next installment!

"First of all, thank all of you for your support. The SAW II opening exceeded our wildest expectations and you guys had a lot to do with it. So THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! Now.. a few comments.
  1. RELAX!!!! We just finished SAW II. Yes, there's going to be a SAW III, and yes, we will do our best not to fuck it up. We're going to try for next year, but if it's not right when we'd have to start shooting, we'll wait.
  2. There are NO CONFIRMED cast members for SAW III yet.
  3. There is no director confirmed yet.
  4. The title is not S3W. That's ridiculous. It reminds me of when everyone thought the title of SAW II was SAW II: HACKSAW.
Let us catch our breath, and then we'll keep you posted on the next installment."

Well there's only one motivation for this and he's said it quite clearly. The opening. So the numbers were enough to entice them to do another one to get more money. Call me cynical if you wish, but that's the way life is, and if they were making movies for the sheer enjoyment of the audience, I'm sure we wouldn't be seeing another sequel.

Still, saying that II has been getting good reviews, and the first was really good. Is it worth another crack at the story?

Posted by at November 7, 2005 03:09 AM


Ya know, Im actually glad saw is getting another sequel. I can totally see in becoming a horror movie with 10 sequels eventually winding up in space, much like the Jason series. I thought the first 2 were good, thrilling fun. As long as they can keep the torture ideas fresh then I'm all for it.

Posted by: Pudie at November 7, 2005 09:27 AM

Liked Saw 1 and really liked Saw 2. Because these titles are released through Lions Gate, which is on its way to becoming a major "mini" studio, you would expect them to keep minting the formula. I mean, we got another Texas Chainsaw coming, don't we?

Posted by: j boy charras at November 7, 2005 01:21 PM

It's a prequel if I'm not mistaken.

Posted by: Pudie at November 7, 2005 02:50 PM

Oh yes, more blood.

Posted by: Kristina at November 8, 2005 10:55 AM

Here's the deal:

The first Saw was sophomoric, but nonetheless still fun to watch. The way it started and how it ultimately ended up was amazing. It felt like a movie.

The sequel starts off with the 'gag' or "gimmick" that SAW lives by, and unfortunatley, it's a cheap way to introduce a newcomer to the series of what's going on.

The following sequences are shot in TELEVISION style. That is, they remind me of a mediocre television crime drama rather than a horror film.

Granted, the gags are really good and the ending is OK, but let's face it - this is a movie that is so desperate for a real backstory that it FORCES you to care for people that are really not worth caring for.

I think the key is not making the traps fresh, they seem to be great at that.

The key is making me care about the characters that are trapped, like I did in the first movie. At least I felt really bad for one of them.

And obvioulsy to make another SAW right after this one shows they can keep production costs fairly low ... I gather they could easily make a weekly tv series out of this rather than try to get me to spend 10 bucks a pop at the theater or 20 bucks for a DVD.

Posted by: SpideyFan at November 9, 2005 10:08 AM

SAW II i think was better than saw 1. Just because there is 8 people instead of 2 was awsome. I really liked the character of Xavier. He was my fav. It was so predictable that they were going to go to the celler from part 1. I really hope they make a SAW III. Just were they left us at the end of SAW II was awsome. And it would be so cool if Xavier came back to life. Or if Addison ( razor box girl ) was still alive. I do hope he gets out of the celler and explores the house like the group did in part 2. And he discovers all the bodies from part 2. I never expected Amanda to be in on all the 'murders'. I was like, " what the fuc-, why is she in this one also?"


Posted by: ken at November 10, 2005 09:27 AM

I loved saw 1, i loved saw 2 even more, and i love the way i was left hanging after the second. If there isn't a second i will... well... i'll make somebody make one because they just rock. There the types of movies that you dont download you actually go buy. THERE BETTER BE A SAW 3!!!

Posted by: Jason Myers at November 10, 2005 06:48 PM

I just finishing watching Saw & Saw II. And what I saw was stuff I'd never forget!! I've seen a lot of 'horror' movies of the recent times. There are a couple that seem to drag on forever (i.e. Freddy & Jason's revival for the umpteenth time) past their life expectancy. Plus there are other movies (again, keeping Freddy in mind) that could just never occur in real life (yes, u can die in ure sleep, but not be killed, for chrissake).
With Saw & Saw II, I could actually FEEL that Jigsaw could very well be a real guy! The stuff that was done is actually very possible in real life, which is what REALLY makes this a scary movie, i think.
Keep 'em rolling, I say.

Posted by: mark at November 10, 2005 11:46 PM

hey saw 1 and 2 are kew but damn they screwed it up with the girl taking over the family busneiss. this is turning into passing the torch but instead of fire there is death involed.

Posted by: noppe at November 11, 2005 10:18 PM

Saw 1 was real good and saw 2 was awsem the best part was when i found out that the computer screns werent live and the childs father was playing the game rong and he got played into the game aswem movie i ciant wait till the saw 3 comes out ciant wait to see who gets played into the game next


Posted by: Jack at November 12, 2005 01:38 PM

WOW!!! i just got back from SAW II and it was such a good movie. I didnt think you could make a series like that like saw and saw II but yall did an awsome job. i dont really liek that the old man died in saw 2, his voice was really cool hearing all his test and stuff. I really liked saw 2 it was better than 1 and thats hard to say. The thing i didnt like about saw 2 was NOTHING it was such a good movie and yall better make a 3rd one.. pleaseee i mean yall could do this shit like the jasons or the freddy c's ya know? make a 3rd one yall will make so much money.

Michael M

Posted by: Michael at November 12, 2005 11:35 PM

Can't wait until saw 3. I loved saw 1, even more the second one... I can't imagine how will be the 3th, this movie is brilliant. Love John's quotes too.

Posted by: Joe at November 13, 2005 12:13 AM

yeah saw 2 was pretty awesome but i found the end un realistic...i mean the cop gets trapped in the basement thingy right? there were swat guys checkin out that apartment...and i could only guess that once they realized the cop was missing they would just search that place from top to bottom...cause come on they knew where he went when he left jigsaws place with jigsaw...where else would he have gone? maybe stop and get some ice cream before saving his son? basically im hoping saw 3 will kinda wrap that end up for us cause i just dont think the cop could be down there long enough to die before he was found

oh and also for saw 3 please dont use the girls voice in the tap recorder messages...its just lame...give her a voice changer or something like how jigsaw sounded in the 1st one...the 1st movie voice and the 2nd movie voice were different if im not mistaken

Posted by: N.K. at November 13, 2005 05:15 PM

OMG Saw 1 was awesome, but nothing compared to Saw 2. I just saw it last night and it was by far one of the best movies i have ever seen. The way there is always some kind of trick at the end, gives you this feeling as if you are really in the movie. All i have to say is keep them coming, as long as its bloody, i'll watch. SAW is the new STAR WARS!

Posted by: Kylie at November 13, 2005 09:19 PM

I thought saw2 was Cool, but i did't understand like when he Amanda and the son went into the room where the first movie took place there was the guy with the dark hair still there, and the guy who ct hus foot off was there, didn;t he crawl out?

Posted by: MuDvAyNe at November 13, 2005 09:52 PM

Saw 1 and 2 rocked and I think that you should change everything in saw3 make it orignal but at the same time connect it to sw2!Oh yeah make the girl voice more terrorfying and make the girl that got traped in the razor box apart of it.


Posted by: E at November 13, 2005 11:27 PM

This post is for "Joe's November 13 Post" the SWAT guys yea they checked out the house but they are in an identical setup but its completly different location then the real house detective got trapped in

Posted by: M at November 14, 2005 06:20 AM

^correction from my above post its N.K's Novem 13th post not Joe's

Posted by: M at November 14, 2005 06:21 AM

saw 1 was ok. saw 2 was fucking sick. turned away so many times cause that shit is just wrong. Anyone who actually really likes watching things like this is fucked in the head.

Posted by: fatjoe at November 14, 2005 06:45 AM

I didn't enjoy Saw 2 as much as Saw. The reason being, I thought the first one was much more psychological, it messed with my mind a lot more than the second one, and in addition, I thought the second one was more concerned with gore and blood, and I just don't buy that. Sorry.

Posted by: Lyz at November 14, 2005 06:47 AM

I'm Nixa from Croatia and I don't know english very good.I did not watch the Saw II becouse there is not yet Saw II in Croatia.

Posted by: Nixa at November 14, 2005 09:37 AM

Saw and saw 2 ROCK....and i heard there will be a 3rd saw....and it wont be the same if the lead actress Shawnee Smith isnt cast as the new jigsaw killer!

Posted by: Amanda at November 14, 2005 12:26 PM

Saw blows you sick perverted twits!

Posted by: Mike Durst at November 14, 2005 04:13 PM

the first and second movies are always good .. I have a feeling if they make a Saw3 it will suck .. just like the 3rd Jurassic Park. It's pretty much the same reason they didn't continue Ace Ventura ... they new a 3rd one wouldn't be any good

Posted by: hot carl! at November 15, 2005 06:33 PM

What an amazing movie! Definitely didn't expect the second one be just as good as the first one. I couldn't think of a way that they could make it as intersting and confusing, but they did!

The whole movie you sit there and wait what's gonna happen next and everything is so tense... wow!

Has to be one of the best movies I've ever seen!

And whoever wrote the scenario for this movie, you are a sick bastard and have a mind like no one else, but if it wasn't for you, this movie wouldn't be so good :)

Thank you!!!

Posted by: Pashka at November 16, 2005 02:01 AM

I liked it but the first one was better!!!

Posted by: nakkie at November 16, 2005 10:41 AM

SAW is AweSAWme and please make Another one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: mat at November 16, 2005 05:55 PM

Saw 1 was pritty good..i personal thought that Saw 11 Was by fer the best movie fo this year!!!.like i loved how it went back the the setting of he first move..that gave it a twist too..and how the 1 chick is takein over for john(jigsaw for you people that dont pa attion to his name) I Hope There Is A 3rd one...If Tere Is I Hope Its As Good If Not Better Tha SAW 11

Posted by: David Sanko at November 17, 2005 12:03 AM

holy shit, i just finished watching Saw 2 and it's CRAZY (INA DAMN GOOD WAY) as soon as it was over i said i wanna watch the next one i can't wait MORE blood MORE tortuRE more PUZZLES MORE SAWWWWWWWWW .... i love the both movies and im hopin to see a whole lot more of them ...

Posted by: baby ray` at November 17, 2005 01:27 AM

SAW 1 was cool...
SAW 2 was just sick!!! It made me wanna vomit in parts.
The best part was the FLY TRAP, how the hell did ya think of that?!!
Bring on SAW 3

Posted by: clare at November 17, 2005 06:01 AM


i love it !!!!

Posted by: BRAVO at November 17, 2005 11:31 AM

Jigsaw has to survive for Saw III... it won't be the same with Amanda.

Posted by: The Sorrow at November 17, 2005 01:18 PM

Well, I must say that Saw 1 was definately a great idea! I mean, it was really what the public wanted to see, great twists and things, and like "mark" said up a few commments, this could be real, and that's what makes it scary most. The man (John)has cancer, and he really wants to live, but all he sees are these people outside his hospital bed wrecking there bodies, and not appreciating life, so he punishes them for it. It does seem real like it could happen.

It's not your typical horror, if u really think into it, it does have a point.

Saw 2 was also really well made, with the twist at the end with Amanda turning out to be his *adopted* daughter. I didn't like the big "macho" guy though. I thought the movie was kinda starting to die when he was chasing after them with the knife. It went from what the movie was really supposed to be about, like finding clues and following the rules of the "game," to MrCrazyOnTheLoose chasing them and trying to get their "number." Also, the part where he cut his neck skin off to see his number, that part was kool cuz of the blood and gore, but I thought it kind of killed it when he was holding up this piece of skin looking at his "number" acting as if nothing had happened. Also, as the others said, I kinda hope they don't use Amanda's voice on the tape player, or maybe they'll have notes instead of a tape player, or something, like I dunno, but I really think it would be lame if they were to have Amanda's voice on there.

The part that really made me cringe was when MrMacho threw Amanda in the needles, cause I mean, at that point I didn't know that she was a "bad" person, so I was thinking "OMG! What the fuck is wrong with him! She's already gone through this, and he just throws her in there with no hesitation! And he's telling her to hurry up, HE IS SUCH A SELFISH MOTHERFUCKER! lol.

So anyways, any of you that have bothered to read all that, thanks lol. I just thought these were really a couple of movies worth discussing. Overall, I must say I liked Saw 2 better.

Saw 3 is gonna be great! I think even they know that they can't just go on the same story line, so they are going to come up with something REALLY original! At least that's what I hope lol. I also think it would be really funny to put some Saw 1 and 2 scenes in a "Scary Movie" like the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd ones where they make fun of movies, ya know? lol. So yea...thanx again for reading this, CAN'T WAIT FOR SAW 3!â•‘

Posted by: MeLikeSaw at November 17, 2005 05:03 PM

Ummmmm... make it more real if theres going to be a third one. But the girl doing the killings, thats just stupid you could so tell because why was she back? she played the game and passed...thats right because shes in on it. When she got thrown in the needles there where like 20 in here even know there would have been 1000's from all the thrashing and tons of blood. A third one? heh the old guy is the best without the voice, saw is nothing.

Posted by: joe shmo at November 18, 2005 09:47 PM

Just got home from watching the movie. All i have to say is that it was incredible. They way these characters were tortured just made u want to sit on the edge of your seat to see who was gonna be tortured next and how. It was amazing, ten times better than the first. It sucked that the old man died though, he was kinda creepy, but cool i guess. They should definitely turn that into a trilogy


Posted by: Jacob at November 18, 2005 11:10 PM

THIS is for
'me like saw". i completely agree with everything you said in ur blog.

Posted by: Jacob at November 18, 2005 11:21 PM

i saw saw 2 wiht my friends and well it suxxx ass... no really it was good but weiners i liked it and i dono y im typeing this right nowbut im just doing it so people can see it. thatd be so cool if i could be like famious or something gey liket that..

and dont say gay say gEy with a E geygeygeygeygeygey!!!!

Posted by: bart at November 18, 2005 11:35 PM

i think that saw and saw II are the best movies that i have seen in the last 5 years, a real good movie with a bit of a twist and thats what i like, and ALOT of gore!!, keep the ideas coming and yeah i dont know what else o say. keep the ratings on saw3 as high as the first 2..... good luck with the filming!!!

Posted by: damian at November 19, 2005 01:24 AM

Leigh Whannel is a god damn genius. His writing is awesome and he's not a bad actor either. In SAW when Dr. Gordon asks who he is and he says, "You know who I am" I totally thought something different, like he was in on the game. He's very convincing in that scene. I can't wait for Saw 3. He better be a writer for it. Saw 2 was just as good as Saw. It was different, more gore, more traps, more people, less storyline and twists. But it still kicked ass. That's what made it so good. Differing from the 1st, but having the awesome twists at the end. I think they'll call it SA3. They will turn the W sideways so it looks like a 3. Not a bad idea. AND Shawnee Smith has to be in 3. She is so hot. I watch the show Becker with Ted Danson now just cause Shawnee Smith is in it.

Posted by: BQ at November 19, 2005 03:06 AM

I only recently watched Saw 1 and I thought it was a brilliant movie. It plays with your mind rather then your eyes and as such definetly is my 2nd favourite movie of the year...

Right behind Saw 2 which I went and watched tonight. I saw the cop's son being the common denominater between the house guests but that was about all I managed to guess.

I didn't guess that the SWAT and the cops were watching a Replay rather than live feed

I didn't guess that the chick was in on it the whole time

I didn't guess where the boy ACTUALLY was

but I officially recognize Jigsaw as a god after my own heart. Give the guy a medal for the way he can play mind games like no-one before him. Amanda has HUUUUUUUUUUUGE boots to fill. Can she? Lets find out in number 3.

Oh and my major disappointment from number 2 was seeing that Adam died. I so hoped he lived after the first 1 but once I saw his corpse in that bathroom I almost let out a huge yell of excitement followed by a near cry over his Death.

oh and was I the ONLY one who saw that sign on the wall with the name of John's doctor?

Posted by: SawAce at November 19, 2005 10:48 AM

I liked Saw 2,but I wish they had left the shaky camera work alone.I was having a hard time keeping my eyes on the characters because the camera was bouncing around all over the place,and that really gave me a headache by the time the movie was halfway through.
I am not a fan of that style of camerawork

Posted by: Andrew at November 19, 2005 01:49 PM

tits! im with bart on this one

Posted by: Nick at November 19, 2005 02:34 PM

First of all, yes I did enjoy Saw and Saw 2, second of all don't make a third one, if you have ever seen the movie Seven which might I say if far superior to both Saw movies, you may know why. Both movies have the "genius mastermind" serial killer (yeah, yeah I know John says he has never killed anyone, but then why did he punish the drug dealer, the drug dealer never put the drugs in the people) but anyway back to the point, same type of serial killer, who wants to teach people a lesson. Second of all isn't it ironic there are seven people that end up dying (the four guys initially put in the room, two girls and the cop) that is of course if the cops dies. Third, just like in Seven the mastermind intentionally gets caught, and in the ends does this to punish the cop in a very similar fashion as well. Now I am sure there are more similarities between the two, but it seems all too much like Seven to be thought of as an awesome movie. So if you couldn't think of an original enough movie for a sequel to the first one, don't try for the third, unless of course your goal is too make lots of money, which I don't blame you for. You can try to prove me wrong with the third but I know one thing I won't be paying to see it if you know what I mean.

Posted by: HorrorFan at November 19, 2005 05:27 PM

Jim you will agree with me, Seven kick's ASS! Go pay to rent it, don't download.

Posted by: HorrorFan at November 19, 2005 05:38 PM

just saw Saw2 and it totally kicks ass. i mean, god, i love the twists in these movies. as much as i love Saw 2, i have to say i like the first one better. i dont know why, but something draws me to that movie. they should stop right now and not go on to Saw 3, not that i dont want another Saw movie, i just dont want anyone working on the script to feel like they have pressure on them to overcome the last 2 and create somthing spectacular. look at Land of the Dead. hmmmm. anyways, great movies, both of them.

Posted by: skacore at November 19, 2005 11:26 PM

Wow, The Saw series rocks. The writers and directors are horror film gods. Bring on Saw 3.

Posted by: Stryfeno1 at November 20, 2005 11:46 AM

just curious if anyone noticed the over the rainbow hint was that the numbers were color coated on the back of everyone's necks for the combination order, i didn't figure it out til i started thinking of it while watching a second time

Posted by: travis oyin at November 20, 2005 12:22 PM

Hey Everyone,
I have just recently seen Saw in Australia Cinema's as it just came out last thursday, I absolutly loved it, Great Plot, Excellent Twists and the Characters were right on the spot! The booby traps throughout the house were excellent i like it how the jigsaw killer will mix the Torture trap in with why the person is in the house, very creative, I think Saw 3 is possible but do it wisely, dont screw it up, it can be easily screwed up. If you are going to do one of them situations like at the Start of Saw 2 with the Venus fly trap thing, try to steer away from the head, it happened in Saw too, make it a different body part and more blood =) The Needle part was brilliant, it really made my blood curdle! I loved it so much! Hmmmmm Well Goodluck with Saw 3, oh And i dont think the new chicks voice will sound as kool on them cassettes either :P
Hoo Roo, BB

Posted by: BB at November 21, 2005 03:29 AM

WORD...Saw 2 was a pretty nice movie. I went and saw it but I guessed most of the clues (Like Im sure many did) Like the back of your minds thing and what they all had in common but yeah. It was a good movie and I wasnt disappointed with it at all, Except it cost me $30 for the movie 2 pop and some fuckin popcorn Jesus Christ. Enough of the bitchin...Dope movie keep it up Peace

Posted by: ~Nate~ at November 21, 2005 12:58 PM

I saw both Saw 1 and Saw 2 in the movie theater and wow!!!!!! I have never seen a movie like that. I was scared in the 1 one and screaming in the 2. I think the 3 one will be good too. I just hope they dont let all the good buzz about Saw2 go to their heads. Im very much hoping they take the gore factor and the Scream factor and mush um all together. I can just see Amanda running around the house scaring the shi# out of every body. So cool, keep up the good work.

Posted by: ryan day at November 25, 2005 08:34 PM


Posted by: saw6 at December 4, 2005 05:37 AM

Dr. Gordon should be the killer in this one!

Posted by: Mike C at December 5, 2005 06:36 PM

Okay this is Brandon(just so ya'll know). When Saw came out I was like oh my God what the hell is this shit just another stupid ass horror movie. Oh but was I wrong for all the talking that went on in that movie it kept me interested and honestly I think it's one of the best horror movies ever. It may not have been scary, but it kept you wondering what was going to happen next. I loved it and the same with Saw 2. I may sound weird, but the people who made this movie have some messed up things going on in there head. Not that it's a bad thing. These are some of the best horror movies ever. I just hope that Saw 3 will be as good as the others and now that Gregg Hoffman is not with them (God bless his soul) I just hope it don't mess up the movie. He was the key element and with him gone I hope they stay with his visions of the movie. You know what i'm saying?

Posted by: Brandon & Sean F.(Brothers) at December 13, 2005 08:35 AM



Posted by: unknown at December 14, 2005 10:43 PM

Listen, my name is James Raymond Styslinger. I loved the first saw. I loved the second saw. And now that I hear there is going to be a third one, im in shock. Please, I always wanted to become a actor and now that I know saw 3 is just beginning I would like to try out for a cast member. I do not care who or what the part is, I just want my chance in a movie like this. I will do my best. Please somebody reply back to me. Mail me at my house or something for a casting call. I want to get involved. My address is 452 Rainier Dr. Pittsburgh PA, 15239. Please somebody respond. Thank you so very much. -Jim

Posted by: Jim Styslinger at December 27, 2005 07:22 PM

I loved both films,,,,, please let me have some premeir tickets for me and my wife,,,,,,, whe are huge fans... ohh also , we are not whacks... i am a system programmer for IBM and She is and Investment analyst for Bank of america.... please let us know

Posted by: Darrell Curtis at December 31, 2005 01:29 AM

I The first SAW was okay. The SAW2 was crap. SAW3 will suck even more.

Posted by: Alfredo at January 1, 2006 12:59 PM

I think both movies were great and well thought out. Im a little unsure about the third one because most sequals don't come out well but i guess well have too wait and see. I love how the directors thought up the different types of situations and consequences that went along with each crime. It's kind of awesome how all these people who take life for granted sooner or later come in contact with the same things they do to hurt themselfs and others.
Both SAW 1 and 2 are like no other type of horror movies. Now come on which horror movie do u know that doesnt deal with semi fictionaly actors who wear masks and kill people for a living.


Posted by: Lou Buttas at January 1, 2006 03:46 PM

i personally think lou buttas got no life and i would tackle his ass if i ever saw him on the streets...we one of them niggas tht would punch a ngga in the nuts when he goin up for a keg stand....

Posted by: Wem "Cream Chesse" Oli at January 1, 2006 03:51 PM

The problem I had with Saw II was the fact that the traps (aside from the first one) themselves were mostly cheap copouts that were unsolvable. I'll try to veil the spoilers a bit here. We've got "Don't use that key!" which pretty much weighed on a character doing something stupid at the exact moment the key was used in order to be hurt by the trap. I think there was a puzzle to the hot place, but it went by so fast that none of the characters even mentioned it. Timed locks suck...just way too "at the last second" for my taste...especially on the second viewing. Then we've got a character just up and dying, not from a real trap but from something that appearently isn't effecting the other chracters the same way. And then there's the final chinese-finger-trappish trap, which felt terribly tacked on as there was no possible way that one could ever have been solved. Cheater!

The individual traps in the original were cool because of Jigsaw's twisted sense of humor. All of the people placed in his traps had chance to survive, but they had to do something drastic/painful in order to do that. Saw II really didn't stimulate the 'how would I survive?' part of my brain though and that's where the real horror is.

Posted by: Ramoon at January 5, 2006 01:14 AM

saw 1 saw 2 and there better be saw3 they r the best movies ever done i love it keep up the good work!!

Posted by: MYA at January 6, 2006 12:35 AM

OMG SawII was amazing. I mean the way the movie messes with your mind and makes you think is the exciting part of it. Saw was also amazing. You guys should keep it up. As long as the movie keeps its since of confusion and the the feeling I can't believe it at the end. Saw will go on forever. Even is Saw3 sucks i'll still go see Saw4 beuse yall did such a terrific job on Saw and Saw2

Posted by: Breana D. at January 6, 2006 07:05 PM

saw is my favourite movie ever!!!! I loved it more than anythin since I watched it and can't get over how good it is, im obsesed with it!! When I heard that saw 2 was coming out I wasnt sure about it cos I thought the first one ended in the perfect amazing way and it didnt really seem like a sequel should have been made, Then when I watched the second one I changed my mind slightly because it was also really good but I still think saw is the best and could have been great left as it was, not realy bothered. I think a saw 3 will not be a very good idea in a way, because the same reason as the first Saw.. The second one was left in a great way and it wouldnt be the same with the girl amanda and not the spooky old jigsaw guy John. I would love to watch another one though.. so I dont like the idea in a way but I do in another so..same situation as the first and second really.. Saw and the makers/actors of saw rock!!!!!

Posted by: Colin at January 10, 2006 01:48 PM

What can i say?

Probably the best movies i have ever watched!!!

I cant wait for the next one. the best part of both films i believe is the moment that john gets on his feet at the end of saw1. that was so spooky dudes, amazing!!!!

I am waiting to see the son of the cop at saw 3 and/or maybe the doctor from saw1, i didnt see his body in the room at the end of saw2 (apart from his foot :)) ).

keep on the good job, you are begining a new era at horror films

Posted by: jimmos at January 18, 2006 12:57 PM