November 17, 2005

Russell Crowe May Be Forced Out Of Hollywood

A little while ago we posted a story about Russell Crowe contemplating leaving Hollywood. Well... it looks like the decision may be taken out of his hands for him.

We all remember that little phone throwing incident... just the latest in his ominous bone headed moves. Well, looks like there could be more than a fine. According to the online magazine "Tonight", if Russell Crowe is found guilty of second degree assault when he appears in court for the matter, there is a very real chance that he'll lose his US working Visa:

Nestor Estrada was reportedly struck in the face, leaving him needing stitches for a serious facial wound. The incident happened at the swanky Mercer hotel after a row broke out between the actor and the member of staff over a phone in his room - which he claimed didn't work when he tried to contact his wife Danielle Spencer

Crowe, who is famed for his wild temper, reportedly ripped the handset from the socket in the lavish suite before storming downstairs and attacking the hapless employee.

I doubt this will actually happen... but it is a real possibility. Rules are rules. And even though I think Russell Crowe is hands down the best pure actor in Hollywood today... to hell with him. He's proved over and over again that he doesn't appreciate the fame or success. If he keeps making movies... then great. If he gets banned from working in Hollywood because of this... then that's what he gets.

Posted by John Campea at November 17, 2005 01:20 PM


I have to agree with you on this. I love his work. But he needs to get a handle on his drinking and temper. Which seems to go hand in hand.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna A. at November 17, 2005 10:25 PM

Oh my...What a crime to our entertainment would be if this guy gets kicked off the film industry. Don't get me wrong, I feel sorry for the guy that got beaten and I agree that Crowe has to pay like everyone else, but damn we can't lose this diamond from Hollywood. For my part, I regard him as the best thing, next to Antony Hopkins. His movies are always solid just because his acting is top level.

So, I do hope he pays back, but he doesn't have to lose his career on this.

Posted by: Stamoz at November 18, 2005 12:16 PM

Couldnt have said it better than you did Stamoz.

Posted by: Simone at November 18, 2005 05:26 PM

Not really that big a deal because he can work anywhere else in the world right? So he makes movies in Cananda instead of in the U.S. or he could stay at home, there are plenty of films being made in Australia. He can always visit to pick up his oscars.

Posted by: crackerjack at November 18, 2005 08:32 PM

It's only a telephone in the face. He did't rape or kill anyone. It's early in the morning, it's probably after a few glasses, it could have something to do with a jerk behind the counter as well. I mean, I could have thrown in the kitchen sink as well if somebody really pissed me off.

OK, he shouldn't have done it, but let's not make it a national scandal, please. Crowe appologized in public and paid a very serious fine. Let's get real and leave this stupid incident for what it is.

Posted by: darko at November 19, 2005 06:10 AM