November 07, 2005

Rock says no to Terminator

TheRock.jpgI hadn't really heard that many rumours about The Rock taking over the mantle of the Terminator from Arnold Schwarzenegger, but comments from Rock on Dark Horizons are killing that rumour...that rumour I hadn't really heard.

...denied rumours that he will take over from Arnie as the next Terminator in the movie series.

"Nah, not right now no,"..."That's Arnold's thing, he's done such a great job".

"It's such an iconic role and it's his (Arnie's) thing and there can never be another Arnold as The Terminator"

Come to think of it, he would make a good replacement wouldn't he? So the rumour has worked, I guess we'll all start discussing if he could replace the big man in the next Terminator, because we all know there will be one, just depends who. I'd drop the Rock in the role and be happy, I really don't see Arnie coming back for another one.

Posted by at November 7, 2005 12:44 PM


I LOVE The Rock, but there's no way to replace Arnold. NOBODY could do that role any better. He needs to fire his agent or whoever told him to do Doom, though. What a clusterfuck that turned out to be.

Posted by: Kristina at November 7, 2005 04:08 PM

Nice, very nice of the Rock to show respect on Arnie's role. I am not sure though that he would refuse for sure the role (if offered) in the next Terminator movie. But, I still hope Arine makes one more appearance in the next chapter, he is the only one that deserves to play that role. Otherwise, at least please show Rock as different terminator model...

Bottom line though is that Terminator without Arnie on board kinda sucks, dont you think?

Posted by: Stamoz at November 8, 2005 06:18 AM

The Rock should just kick Arnie's ass, because that sagging muscle fool is kicking California's poor with his "governator" shenanigans! F*ck Schwarznegger!! Lou Ferrigno por vida!

Posted by: j boy charras at November 8, 2005 08:10 PM