November 07, 2005

Resident Evil sequels

resident.jpgYes, that is plural. For news from Cinema Blend tells us that not only is...

Paul "Fan-Fic Writer" Anderson is currently finishing the script to the third installment which will film in the Australian outback substituting as the Nevada desert...

...but also that...

...the movie will somehow end in Japan in order to set up the fourth installment of which there are no details except that the project has been greenlit.

Oh dear. Paul, Paul, Paul...Please look to the career of Mr Boll and try and do something before it's too late. You realise that if Halo (see the script review) turns out as good as they say the bar will be set so high I doubt anything will come of these two movies and you'll be looking at a d2d for both.

I think it would be wise to stop for a second, breathe and then see if you can't muster up a rebirth of the franchise with a bigger and better script, budget and overall film. I could be wrong of course, the second movie could have been good. I thought the first was fun, but not a good movie. What were your thoughts on the first two movies? Did you like them and is there room for another two?

Posted by at November 7, 2005 03:09 AM


Personally I liked both of the Resident Evil movies. Don't get me wrong, I also believe that the direction sucked as well as the acting, but for some reason I still thought both of the films were quite entertaining the least. Perhaps, it is because I played one of the Resident Evil games or maybe because I am in love with Milla.

I cant wait for the sequel (especially the way the last movie ended) but I was hoping that another director would have come on board. I think the Resident Evil could have a lot of potential and support from the game but it is a pity the control has fallen to the wrong hands...

Posted by: Stamoz at November 7, 2005 08:07 AM

Here are my thoughts on the Resident Evil movies:

The first one was a decent ride. Though not as "scary" as the game it was entertaining and had some decent effects. It lacked some of the suspense from the orignal game but it was a good set up or "prequel" to the game we all use to play til 3am in our bedrooms:)

The second flick was a total action flick in my opinion. But it had some good parts and I loved the way Milla came back as Alice and kick major ass. It seemed though that the film makers were poking fun at the zombies and the movie they were making (zombie stippers anyone?)

Overall I love both these movies and look forward to the third and possible fourth.

Posted by: Rudy at November 7, 2005 12:58 PM

I personally loved Resident Evil & Apocolips &I; am eagerly waiting for the next installments.Personally I like being scared ,& i hope to see more of your majic,(Its majic to me) so get them ready...your fans await your completion. Thank you for keeping me on the edge of my seat...................From:Bernadette R. Odden

Posted by: Bernadette Odden at November 29, 2005 08:01 PM