November 09, 2005

Reaper from Tony Kaye

Here's an interesting story through from Cinematical about a new supernatural thriller (I love genre classifications!) called Reaper directed by Tony Kaye, the man who brought us American History X. Here's how they describe the movie:

...focuses upon a tortured man who is visited on his deathbed by the title character, an emissary of death, and given a shot at eternal life. Kaye plans to shoot the movie in a mix of high-definition video and film, with the lead character and his story appearing in HD and the title character and his story appearing in video. Additionally, souls trapped in the film's version of the afterlife will be portrayed in black and white, with a multilayered soundscape.

The story sounds an interesting concept, although there's not much given at this point and it's from first time writer Gary Whitta (according to IMDB), the focus really is on the style of the movie. Usually style over substance bothers me in news of new movies, but in the case of Kaye, and the initial blurb, I'm thinking that this could turn into a really interesting project. It has the scope to be quite innovative and turn quite dark.

Cinematical are concerned it might turn gimmicky, I don't know I think this has a lot of potential. Especially in this hellhole of remakes, re-imaginings and revitilisations. We should applaud some innovation and new ideas!

Posted by at November 9, 2005 07:19 AM


Im actually interested to see how this turns out. Ed Norton pretty much took over AHX to the point where Kaye wanted to Alan Smithe the movie. So it'll be nice to really see his vision now.

Posted by: Pudie at November 09, 2005 10:50

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