November 03, 2005

Poltergeist: Kayeri update

Poltergeist.jpgI'm happy to admit when I've made a mistake, however I haven't! It seems though that Ananova did in a previous story regarding the possible new Poltergeist movie. The mistake was picked up by Clint from Moviehole, he points out that they weren't the source of the story, but the...look, let me have Clint explain and also give you some more info on the movie.

[They] meant to write Clint Morris, editor of, is the film's writer - but got sidetracked, and said the source was Moviehole...

...What the story that...There was a brief discussion about resurrecting the franchise, but when MGM was sold to Sony, it was no longer a priority. They've got bigger fish to fry - like the Bond series. As you could understand. Having worked now as a gun-for-hire/favour jobs on a few franchises, like this, it's not uncommon for something to boil up, then simmer down again...

...Instead, I've gone off to work on a new ensemble thriller (hopefully there in the states), worked writingwise on a couple of other franchise/tentpole flickeroos, and are in talks to direct my first feature, here in Australia. Will rip the lid of the beans when I can, but at the moment, "Poltergeist Kayeri" is about as frozen as an Antarctic fisherman's Wang.

Sounds interesting (not the wang bit), obviously Clint you'll update your own site first...but can we have second grabs at any new info?

Posted by at November 3, 2005 01:29 PM