Pirates of the Caribbean 3 script online?

potc23.jpgStrangely it might seem that the script for Pirates of the Caribbean 3 was reviewed then not...well dtheatre has a story claiming that Latino Review have the script, yet the link leads to an error of a missing page, and checking the Latino Review site shows nothing in their script review section pertaining to this movie.

Is this a mistake by dtheatre, or did we just miss a script review that wasn't supposed to be there? A case of a story that never was.

Posted by at November 21, 2005 06:15 PM


It looks like Latino Review removed their review. My guess? It's because the review spoils the second film something awful, which was sort of necessary since it's a review of the THIRD installment, and not the second, and the reviewer hadn't read the script for the second installment. I'm betting the studio, which LR is really cozy with, told them to pull it or pay the consequences, and so they did. (Just guessing here...)

But let me assure you, it was very much there. I read it! You can find some tidbits about the script that I posted in the link below. There isn't any spoilers, so don't fret. Everything in the post is generalization with no specifics whatsoever. Well, maybe one or two, but I don't consider them spoilers.


Posted by: Nix at November 21, 2005 23:54

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