November 25, 2005

No Oscar push for Munich

Munich.jpgAcross the Interweb it's being reported that Steven Spielberg's Munich won't be pushed for the Oscars. That's no junkets, no interviews, basically no press just loads of screenings to real people. It's even gone so far that the Studio haven't even seen the movie yet.

There will be no press junket, no premiere and, most importantly, no Oscar marketing campaign beyond trailers and posters for Steven Spielberg's movie "Munich" before and after it opens December 23rd reports LA Weekly.

This dicey decision to have no traditional publicity is the directors alone and he will not even be giving press or broadcast interviews (though there's talk he might do a Time cover story). The official strategy is for the movie to speak for itself with plenty of screenings planned starting December 1st.

...from Dark Horizons, they go on to say that Spielberg held his first screening to John Williams and Kathleen Kennedy just a few days ago.

It seems that he's keeping this one close to his chest, but really, does he need to race after Oscar? The two names are almost as big as each other, and whether he's planned it this way or not, he doesn't have to sell himself these days.

Posted by at November 25, 2005 07:14 AM


It may have something to do with the fact that he is a producer for "Memoirs of a Geisha" and both movie happens to be shown on the same day (December 23). Geisha could use all the help it could get because it hasn't been recieving good reviews or at least not that many. It certainly doesn't need someone by the name of "Speilberg" and "Munich" to cloud movie goers choice and there pocketbook.

Posted by: Poodle at November 25, 2005 16:48

Mr. Spielberg has proven many times over how a brilliant director he is. Oscar or no Oscar, he has already won my respect with the films he has made. Why, he has done so many films that deserved the award and he didnt get it! But I will not go there now, what's the point?

I am so looking forward to this one! What a good way to end the year.

Posted by: Simone at November 26, 2005 07:22

Isn't Munich's "low-key" approach very similar to the marketing that Clint Eastwood used for Million Dollar Baby (at first)? Once Spielberg's Munich hits big (critically at least), then we'll get the blitz (unfortunate metaphor, I guess).

Posted by: Ivan Lerner at November 28, 2005 13:11

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