November 10, 2005

New Superman Pictures

SupermanI can't wait for the new Superman Movie! Having said that, the good folks over at FilmForce have put up a bunch of new Superman Pictures for us all to feast our eyes on.

Nothing much in the way of effects in these pictures, but some good settings and character shots (including a good one of Perry White.

You can go over and see the new Superman pictures here.

Posted by John Campea at November 10, 2005 01:45 PM


Hey John, those aren't new. They just lifted them from the Superman Official site. I know... because I did the same thing for our preview page at CB last night. ;)

Posted by: CB at November 10, 2005 07:32 PM

Ditto. Just wanted to confirm what CB wrote. Those were stolen from the main site's "desktops" section. :)

Posted by: SpideyFan at November 11, 2005 12:56 AM