November 08, 2005

Narnia Director talks

NarniaPoster.jpgAn article over at Digital Spytalks about the much anticipated Narnia movies, and what movie fan isn't waiting to see this awesome trilogy? The trailers are captivating, and the comments and pictures to date are extremely complimentary and very gorgeous.

[Andrew Adamson] explained: "I don’t feel that we’ve had to make any significant compromises in making this film. I think it ultimately lives up to what people imagine Narnia to be."

Adamson also stated that he had to find ways to depict elements of the book not specifically described by the author. "C.S. Lewis could write something like 'I can’t tell you how bad it was or your parents wouldn’t let you read this part.' In the movie we had to deal with visualizing those moments," he said.

"There are dark moments, there are scary moments, emotional moments, tragic moments. I wanted to bring these to life in a way that dealt with the reality of life and death situations but in a way that wouldn’t prohibit younger children from enjoying the film. Kids like being scared as long as there is relief at some point, there is no need to be traumatizing or graphic to get the emotional effect that the book reached for."

It sounds very promising, and for a Director to state that this is what the readers of the highly acclaimed series would imagine the books to be is a huge claim. You've got to be superbly confident in your work to state something like that. It's also interesting that he talks of managing to bring the harder edge to the movie screen but still keep it watchable by children, I'll be interested to see how he does do this and if he can make it for both age groups.

From what I've seen it does look gorgeous, just wonder if there's as much meat on Aslan as there are CGI hairs. Have you been won over already and these comments are just icing on the cake, or are you not that fussed by the upcoming release?

Posted by at November 8, 2005 06:10 PM


Is this going to be a trilogy for sure? I know there are more books, well more than three, and I'm assuming they'll make more movies once the boxoffice numbers come in, but still, was it announced that there will be 3 movies made for sure? Just curious.

On a separate note, I think the trailers look amazing, and it really goes to show just how huge of an influence Peter Jackson has become in Hollywood. Watching the trailer for Narnia I couldn't help but think Lord of the Rings throughout. Which I think is a very good thing.

Posted by: Richard (not Brunton) at November 9, 2005 02:31 PM