November 22, 2005

Michelle Yeoh talks Sunshine

MichelleYeoh.jpgI don't know if Michelle Yeoh is being honest or just trying to work the press, but she hasn't convinced me that the new Danny Boyle project, Sunshine is something special. I mean just read her comments:

...So [Sunshine] is, yes, eight astronauts going up to save the world. We've heard that so many times before. [But] you have to see it. It's got an edge. I loved that the first week of filming he said to me, 'You know this is not a family movie, right?' [I said,] 'Danny, I know your films. It's OK.'"

Mmmm...still hasn't convinced me with those words from SciFi Wire through Cinematical. It sounds like every other go into space and save the world movie. I'm sure it will end in some form of self sacrifice for someone, if not all, these movies always do. In the comments she says that 28 Days was done differently, edgier, well yes I do agree it was (although whether that makes it a good movie is your own personal choice, I didn't) but that was done in a genre of comic-type movies and dreary zombies.

Posted by at November 22, 2005 03:44 AM


... theres a woman being payed to write a blog for this movie ...

... here's the URL

Posted by: Bullet in the head at November 22, 2005 05:38

PAID. Someone has been PAID to write a blog.


Posted by: JohnW at November 22, 2005 09:45

LOL as a dyslexic I always enjoy that people get a kick out of correcting my spelling.
I did notice my mistake, but unfortunately you cannot edit comments after they are sent, I figured it would not matter that much, but I see now it was of vital importance.

Posted by: Bullet in the head at November 22, 2005 11:49

Bullet - I hate that too!

Yeah, being paid to write a blog does defeat the purpose and just stinks of Marketing ploy.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at November 22, 2005 14:04

Whether she's being paid or not, the pictures from the blog got me much more interested when I first discovered it.

Danny Boyle is quite possibly the best British director of the moment. Much better than that over-hyped over-rated half-trick pony that is Guy Ritchie.

Posted by: Stuart @ Cinema Blend at November 22, 2005 17:14

Yeah, sure, saving the world by going to the Sun, as if they'll come back alive, like hello

Posted by: Poodle at November 22, 2005 22:57

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