November 21, 2005

Miami Vice in real trouble?

The previous news about Miami Vice production was of a shooting, and not really anything to hint that things were going badly on set, but the latest rumours are that employees are leaving the set, so much so that almost the entire crew has been replaced.

According to Cinematical:

According to Radar, crew members are jumping ship in droves. Or, as they put it, "Adding to the near-biblical woes that have beset Michael Mann’s film adaptation of Miami Vice comes a new chapter: Exodus." Damn.

According to sources, 120 crew members have left since since filming began about six months ago. Most of them, though their official reasons for departure are usually "sick relatives" or "illness," have been chased off by Mann's "famously obsessive demands, ceaseless revisions, and 24/7 schedule." Apparently at this point, people are departing on an almost daily basis - and, needless to say, almost the entire crew has been replaced since June.

Is it really that Mann has chased off his entire crew? Could he really be that difficult to work for? If this is all true, and he is the cause, is this something that should be willingly forgotten for the quality he produces, or is he in danger of dragging the production down with him? Or do we even care, just get on with the movie!

Posted by Richard Brunton at November 21, 2005 06:29 PM


I read this post Richard, and I'm laughing.

"Most of them, though their official reasons for departure are usually "sick relatives" or "illness,"

"almost the entire crew has been replaced since June."

The production shut down a few months ago due to the wave of hurricanes that hit the southern US since last August. After starting back up, some crew were replaced- although two of them were fired due to a race-related prank that went too far.

The non fatal shooting incident occured in the Dominican Republic and unrest in the area did cause production delays, but none of it had to do with Mann, the crew or the cast,1,17653,00.html

Posted by: darren seeley at November 21, 2005 08:31 PM

Good! I do love the Micahel Mann-- as far as I'm concerned, if he keeps putting out the sweetness, he can be as demanding as he wants.

Posted by: chark hammis at November 21, 2005 09:50 PM

Well keep laughing Darren, as you'll see all that is the quote from the source.

None of the incidents you've given account for the crew leaving and not coming back. Leaving and coming back sure, but not leaving for good.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at November 22, 2005 03:40 PM

If this were a police drama starring two of the best actors alive, say Deniro and Pacino than I would say let him be am artistic tyrant but as it is only another remake of an old t.v. show I say give it a rest Mann. Get Don Johnson to do a cameo at the end and call it a day so that you can get back to original ideas again.

Posted by: crackerjack at November 23, 2005 06:30 PM

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