November 01, 2005

Mel Gibson Talks Apocalypto

Apocalypto is the next project on the plate of Mel Gibson at the moment. Is it just me or does this picture make it look like Gibson is starting to loose his mind?

According to Gibson, Apocalypto is an action-adventure film of mythic proportions. It's inspired by Gibson's fascination of "ancient cultures and great civilizations. The good folks over at Canoe give us some more details about Apocalypto:

The film's stars will be unrecognizable to most moviegoers, and they will speak in the Mayan tongue of Yucateco, Gibson said. It will be light on dialogue and heavy on images and action. It's set 600 years ago, prior to the 16th-century Spanish conquest of Mexico and Central America.

The movie is "a story about a man and his woman, his child and his father, his community," adding that the man "is put in an incredibly heightened, stressful situation . . . has to overcome tremendous obstacles. So it's a universal story in that respect."

Sounds good to me! Like his smash hit "Passion of the Christ", Gibson is totally footing the bill for this movie on his own... which means he is totally free to make it as he sees fit, and will in all probability make him very very rich.... again.

Gibson is proving to be one of these visionary artists that is willing to tell stories that no one else will... and tell them in such a way that you can tell he approaches his films as art. Will Apocalypto be any good? Who knows... but I'm already damn interested in seeing it.

Posted by John Campea at November 1, 2005 12:46 PM


hmmm...sounds like a formula Zhang Yimou also uses. Except Yimou won't go anywhere outside his cultural expertise.

Good to see Gibson is playing this on his terms. Interesting to see how this works out then.

Posted by: bootbrave at November 01, 2005 13:32

I'm quite sure it will be violent as hell. So we have that to look forward to.

Posted by: Drewbacca at November 01, 2005 14:17

Mel Gibson is one of the best film artists we have today. Since New Line Cinema's SHAZAM movie is stuck in development limbo, I would love to see Gibson tapped to direct the film. I would love to see his vision, not just of superheroes, supervillains, and mad scientists, but of SHAZAM's unique concept of a purehearted child who, with one magic word, becomes the world's mightiest mortal,with the responsibillity to match. His SHAZAM would defintatly be unique, and not just follow the superhero formula set forth by Richard Donner, and copied by the likes of Sam Raimi, Ang Lee and Chris Nolan.

Posted by: Bret at November 01, 2005 18:55

After this film, I bet he goes back to H'wood, and finds out which studio is redoing the next old TV series into a big budget film. Mel Gibson will play the title character of Grizzly Adams...or ...he's just really good friends with Brad Pitt.

I do think Gibson, seriously, is a terrific actor and director. I loved 'Passion Of The Christ'. I never thought the film, when it came out, would have a problem with language barriers. Whether or not you believe in Jesus as the Son Of God, the person actually existed, and everyone generally knows the story. I do believe Gibson re-inserted the subtitles however.

As for this upcoming film, it sounds interesting. Gibson takes chances, puts his a$$ on the line. When H'wood keeps backing the crapfests, there are some who have to go outside the system to make good films. Why do we love filmmakers/actors like Gibson and Clint Eastwood? Why do we love Wes Andersen? The Coen Bros? Steven Soderbergh?

Because they buck the system when needed, and give moviegoers a breath of welcomed fresh air.

Posted by: darren seeley at November 02, 2005 00:12

Wait... why does he now look like Saddam Hussein?

Posted by: Nemo at November 02, 2005 06:15

i know i am excited for this one!

adventures fo mythic proportions always go over great with me.

Posted by: miles at November 02, 2005 08:06

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