November 03, 2005

Matt LeBlanc back to movies?

I remember the quote from Matt LeBlanc sometime ago when he said that he found movies too tough and preferred working on the smaller screen, it was something like that anyway, and that's when he started on the Joey series. Now though, according to Coming Soon, he looks set to reverse that...and a good thing too I think.

Matt LeBlanc, star of NBC's Joey, has set up sci-fi horror thriller The Watch at Dream Entertainment with Victor Salva ("Jeepers Creepers") attached to direct, says The Hollywood Reporter. Based on a original screenplay by John Claflin and Daniel Zelman, the World War II-set film revolves around a team of highly specialized soldiers sent to blow up a Nazi fuel depot, only to discover they are being hunted by an evil spirit unleashed by the Nazi's secret occult experiments.

It sounds like a really interesting premise, and I like the idea of seeing LeBlanc in some movie roles. I enjoyed his part in Lost in Space, and I think he lost the Joey label quite easily in it, although there were still heavy shades of it, he did look like he was managing to brush it off. I think it will be a good thing for his career, and I'll be watching this to see if it turns out as good as the one liner suggests. Do you think he has it in him?

Posted by at November 3, 2005 05:29 AM


I question your sanity regarding Lost in Space. That movie had not one redeeming quality.

Posted by: John at November 3, 2005 08:10 AM

he's not starring in it, he's producing it. good lord this site really doesn't pay much attention to detail. also, to think that you consider leblanc a talent that could pull off a highly specialized soldier is almost embarassing. please hid your face.

Posted by: nunya at November 3, 2005 01:23 PM

Lost in Space was just fun, that was it, nothing more, and it was fun to watch. Switch off brain and enjoy.

nunya, at what point did I say he was starring in it? Good grief, don't you readers read anymore?

I said I like the idea of seeing him in some movie roles again. Sure I did not go on to discuss his Directorial or Production attachment, preferring rather to talk about seeing him in some movie roles. I never suggested he could pull off the role, and I never said he was even in it!

Perhaps it's my precise use of the English language that is confusing.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at November 3, 2005 01:35 PM

Watch for a Bellocq cameo.

Posted by: Brakhage at November 3, 2005 04:01 PM