November 23, 2005

Luc Besson to direct Die Hard 4.0?

BruceWillisHostage.jpgAfter the Return of Bruno in Hostage I thought things were looking up for him, and then he talked about ending his days of action movies, and perhaps the end had come with Hostage and he was moving onto better things. Yet along came the news of Die Hard 4, which became 4.0, and there was a group split groan\cheer.

It's difficult to call this one as some say it's going to be lousy considering its plot and its history, and some say well Willis is in it and it sounds like his last action flick so it might just be good. Then there's the word that Luc BessonLuc Besson has the script and Willis is talking about the possibility of him directing. Thanks to Cinematical for that news.

Apparently the Fox script readers are not so keen on the film now, after the original reports that they were. Perhaps that's just the New Orleans sections of the script, or perhaps it's the outdated War Games suggestion. Yet, it could be a good script. There are so many ways to write about cyber terrorism, and it's definitely evolved from playing tic tac toe to save the world.

Could this be a saving grace for Willis and the Die Hard series? A good point to bow out, or more dullness in the series of Die Hard and Willis movies? What about Besson in the Director's chair, rumour though it is that would bring a huge kick to the movie.

Posted by at November 23, 2005 03:38 AM


I'd rather see Luc come up with a sequel to "Fifth Element" than "Die Hard 4".
If Die Hard 4 happens, I will also refuse to see it unless Bonnie Bedeila reprises her role from the first two Die Hards. I missed her in DH w/Vengeance.

Posted by: darren seeley at November 23, 2005 04:44 PM

I love Bruce Willis he is one of the few "real" actors still left. I was thinking the other day that all the good ones are getting too old now and what a shame it's going to be that one day when/if I decide to have children they won't be able to enjoy them. Well, I am definitely going to watch even if it's just because I am a loyal Willis supporter.

Posted by: Chrismari at November 24, 2005 01:09 AM

Bruce the only "real" actor, yeah sure.
Ans all the good ones are getting too old ??

Don't you mean YOU are getting too old to enjoy new movies and their actors. Of course, if you limit your film experience to movies relating to your definition of "real" actors, then I can understand your frustration.

Luc Besson is a very busy man, who prefers producing over directing. But when he is behind the camera, there's just a kind of magic. So, I would be thrilled. A Die Hard is also a 100% Besson-like project. But what happened to that other French director, Florent Emilio Siri? I thought he was going to direct this after his effective 'Hostage'.

Posted by: darko at November 24, 2005 08:18 PM

No need to get nasty Darko or should I say Dorko?, I watch all movies and I don't just watch movies with my favourite actors. I suppose YOU think Pamela Anderson is a great actress..... maybe up there with Paris Hilton. HA!!!

Posted by: Chrismari at November 25, 2005 10:11 AM