November 10, 2005

Kiss DVD promises much

Okay, I'm pushing the news here but frankly I don't care. John's away (and posting as much as ever, so how does that work?) and I love Kiss, so what are you going to do?

Actually there's some interesting news here, really. From Reuters comes news of a new Kiss DVD that promises to blow you away. It's going to have an abundance of rare songs and special features, the most interesting is that...

"Rock the Nation Live!" boasts the "Kiss Powervision/Select-A-Kiss" option to hone in on an individual member as well as candid behind-the-scenes vignettes.

"At any moment, a viewer can choose what they want to see, and use different camera angles," Stanley said. "So if you happen to have the good taste to see me, you can watch pretty much solely that. It's really your mix and your version of the show. I don't think we can forget that the band is really in peak form, and that's really shown on this DVD."

That actually sounds really cool. In a DVD world where usually only pornography takes advantage of the rich features on offer with DVD, it's good to see something a bit more mainstream...and it's Kiss!

"We were playing a lot of songs that Kiss hadn't played in years, or haven't played at all," Thayer told "One day, Doc McGhee, the manager, came into the dressing room, and said, 'We really need to film and record this show, because it's so good. It's probably the best Kiss performance I've seen.'

Apparently it's going to boast "any and every" one of the old Kiss tracks...that's going to be one hell of a DVD...anyone out there reading want to drop us a screener? I'm a HUGE Kiss fan!

Posted by at November 10, 2005 03:53 AM


The shows were recorded in High Definition format, so hopefully the transfer would be awesome

Posted by: gene ariani at November 10, 2005 09:58 AM

Now all we need is a SE DVD of "KISS Meets The Phantom Of The Park" and we're all set!

Posted by: darren seeley at November 10, 2005 11:20 PM