November 03, 2005

Iron Man to try again

IronMan.jpgAfter we said that Iron Man might be dead, Coming Soon are bringing the news that this attempt certainly is dead.

Variety has confirmed that after more than two years of unsuccessful development at New Line, Marvel has taken back film rights to Iron Man...

Not all is lost though, and instead of thinking a door has closed on the project, think more like a window has opened...and the wind has blown all the script pages into the fire.

The company may raise additional money to produce Iron Man itself as part of its new internal production slate. In such a case, the film would likely be distributed by Paramount, where Marvel has a distribution deal...

...Marvel will now start development from scratch, commissioning a new script and possibly attaching a director before deciding whether to finance the film itself or license it again.

Why does it need a new script? Anyway, the good news is that they'll have a crack at it, and it will all be done by them, so creative control will be held with the comic lovers for a little longer...but this could also be really bad news. Does it mean a much smaller budget?

Posted by at November 3, 2005 07:46 AM


The only way i'd be happy with iron man is if they actually focused on the fact that this is a guy in a sardine can. Don't overdub a voice, just record the actor trying to speak through that mouth slit.

Posted by: Cole at November 04, 2005 12:28

Bleh I don't care who makes the movie as long as it's made. I'm a big Iron Fan so I've been waiting for quite some time for an Ironman movie to be produced, so Marvel better get it done!!

Posted by: The Claw at November 11, 2005 01:45

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