November 03, 2005

Invest in a movie - Fortune Cookies & Glory

Pounds.jpgWant to invest in a movie? Sure you do! Well here's your chance, it's simple. First go and have a look at the site for Fortune Cookies & Glory, then check out the trailer for the movie, then click on the Investor section and you're there!

Here's what Ben has to say about it, Ben works over at Hammomir Productions...

I recently finished shooting a full-length feature called “Fortune Cookies & Glory.” It’s a comedy with a climax that’s never been done before. I thought you would be interested in seeing the trailer, it’s an original!

We’d love to be able to post some information on your website about it. We’re still looking for investors to help us complete the editing.

Check out the trailer, and even if you don't click on the Investors link to get involved, come back here and tell us what you think. I love the birds-rats gag...

Posted by at November 3, 2005 01:59 PM