November 03, 2005

How to make it in the Film Industry

First up, this is not a guide on how to become famous, there is no guide. It's talent, friends, connections, timing, luck, and I think that entire list is actually in reverse.

However I have had the most amazing luck myself, in the form of a few emails from someone who's just managing to break into the whole world of film. She's already started off well with an appearance in Transporter 2, and we've had a few email conversations and I've found out a bit more about how she got there.

I actually got into stage and community theatre, regionally where I grew up...[Sorry lads]...I always knew I eventually wanted to do film. So after graduating from high school in 2002, I moved to Miami to start modeling to get my foot in the door.I've been modeling since, and every season I've been planning on making the move to LA, but I always end up either back in Miami or staying [at home]. So I realize it's now or never I'm ready finally and thanks to Transporter 2 I've made several good connections

So it all sounded quite idyllic at that point, but surely that's just too easy? Yes was the response. Read on for more of her story...

On September 29th, 2002 I finished my final High School Achievement Test...I left that day for Miami. I had kept my birthday and Christmas money hidden...since about age 10. And I had a little extra funds from some odd jobs I'd been doing....So my uncle...planned his next trip to South Florida around the time I was graduating...

...After the the 16 hour drive through the uncle and I finally arrived at the Wilhelmina (my agency) model's apartment...that would be my home for the next 8 months. I'll never forget standing on the curb as my uncle drove away, at first I was like OH.... ..NO, and then I was like OH, YEAH!!! I realized I did it, I was beginning to close the gap between where I was and where I want to be.

...It takes a while to get started in modeling and I actually didn't book my first modeling job until February ' agent said I could do some filing and answer the phones at the agency. I wanted them to know how much I appreciated the opportunity so I worked very December '02 I had become Administrative Assistant doing billing and collections in the Accounts Payable division.

After my first season in Miami I decided to go to NY. It was a lot more difficult to get started and I actually ended up leaving after five months. New York has a way of taking the wind out of your sails if you aren't prepared to deal with it.

I decided to come home for a few months to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas...I wanted to re-group and save some money --- NY also has a way of wiping out your savings!...I got a job, got a driver's license :) and bought my mom's old car.

So far it's hardly glamorous!

However looks like things started to pick up the following season...

[The next] season was a lot easier than my previous one...the agency called and asked me to come back sooner because they needed help in the office...very happy to have the opportunity to work at the agency again...

...since I'd been modeling for over a year I was really ready to do some kind of film work. But my agent really tried to screw me over, no matter how many times I begged to get sent to an audition she would not get me an appointment! Finally the last month of the season she sent me on an audition for the role of a Latin girl ---go figure?--- in a film that didn't even pay any money, but I didn't care. When I read for the casting director (who knew me from the year before b/c of my modeling) he asked me "why haven't you auditioned for me before?" And I explained everything to him and his assistant, Melissa, and they were in total shock! They were also very angry because the season was over now and there had been so many things they could have seen me for.

Now, if you've been following this there is the key, what one one describe as the tipping point. The moment when something turns and suddenly events conspire around you to make something happen.

Melissa called and told me --b/c my agent didn't bother-- to get on a plane she said she had a role that I was perfect for, it was called 'School Girl' in a movie named Transporter 2.

...and just to interject there, what of Transporter 2 and the superb Jason Statham?

Jason is a sweetheart, he's very down to earth and light-hearted he joked around and hung out with me as well as the other actors in my scene. But on the other hand he's a very serious actor, he's amazing to watch. He does all of his own stunts so that's always quite fun to see firsthand. The part of the scene where he kicks down the first 'car jacker thug' (Reggie Pierre) took us about 16 takes! It was insane! I definitely give Jason a lot of props. And I really don't think he's received the credit he deserves. He's a really great actor as well as a very fun, cool guy. He's a man's man, I guess that's why we like him so much!

...So it's not just me that thinks he's great!...Back to the story...

So the rest is history, Melissa since then has moved back to LA and she is the one who will be representing me when I get out there in January. Until then I'll be going on auditions and probably still be doing the modeling thing.

You see despite all the hard work, and it does appear AnnaLynne really has worked hard from reading her emails, it all came down to a single chance meeting and a conversation. She was obviously doing such a good job for her agent that they didn't want to lose her from the position.

So what's the lesson here? I'm not saying sit and wait for it to happen, you still have to get out there and work yourself silly, but keep your eyes and ears open, talk to lot's of people, and one of them just might hold that tipping point for you. With fingers crossed it looks like for AnnaLynne that person might just have been Melissa.

Here's to her future career, and the odd update back to us as she builds her future in movies.

Posted by at November 3, 2005 02:57 PM


Cool stuff! I'm looking forward to seeing her future roles in more films. I wanna read more of these e-mails :)

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at November 3, 2005 10:37 PM

great story.
it's a damn courageous thing she's done, and i'm so glad it's started to pay off.
sounds like annalynne had a real sucky agent to begin with, so it's a good thing she's got melissa on her side now.

sidenote. i really like jason statham as well. i wonder if dungeon siege will be more a turkey than revolver. hopw tht doens't ruin his name. btw, what did you make of the transporter films john?

Posted by: Psych at November 4, 2005 12:41 PM