November 03, 2005

Harold Ramis Chats About the 3rd Ghostbusters That We Will Never See

Good evening Movie Blog readers. Tonight while cruising around the web, I came across an interesting bit on Ain't it Cool News covering a recent interview with Ice Harvest director Harold Ramis. In this rather long winded interview Ramis addresses a questions concerning the mythical Ghostbusters 3 "Ghostbusters go to Hell" and shares the premise of the story that will never be.

Ghostbusters ranks up there as one of my favorite movies of all time. Growing up I truly wanted to be Dr. Peter Venkman (Bill Murray) when I was an adult, so the third installment of the Ghostbusters was a movie I would have sold my Mother for. After reading this interview, my attitude has changed. Now I would sell my sister as well!

My understanding is that it would have sent Peter, Ray and Egon to Hell.
Yes. “Ghostbusters go to Hell” was Danny Aykroyd’s concept for it.
I’ve read that you had a next-gen cast in mind. If you were casting those roles today, who would play the younger Ghostbusters?
Well, we had Chris Farley as one of them, Ben Stiller as one of them…. It was a while ago.
There is more to the interview, so if you're a Ghostbusters fan, I highly suggest reading the full interview over at In Focus Magazine.

It's a bit depressing isn't it? Chris Farley and Ben Stiller would have meshed well with the trio. Furthermore; I think these two would have made perfect second generation Ghostbusters.

What are your thoughts?

Posted by Brad Shipston at November 3, 2005 09:30 PM


Chris Farley has the role of the main ghost, that's a given...
He could even play himself. "The ghost of Chris Farley". Yes.
He could appear like CGI trickery, such as Lawrence Oliver in "Sky Captain and the World Of Tommorow".

You are dead, but you still have one last performance to give....

Posted by: darren seeley at November 4, 2005 09:12 AM

I never found Chris Farley to be funny. He was a one-note performer.

Here's my team: Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn, Mos Def and Simon Pegg.

Posted by: Jerry at November 4, 2005 10:53 AM

This movie could compete against all the other BIG movies. It could kill and not need all the HUGE special effects that other Blockbuster relies so much on.

Posted by: Russell at November 4, 2005 12:50 PM