November 07, 2005

Halo script reviewed

Halo.jpgIt's hard to imagine that the tight control Bungie has held over the whole production has slipped enough to allow a script out to an Internet site for review, but that's exactly what Latino Review are claiming through Cinema Blend.

This script rocks man. The script is so damn good and entertaining that I read it more than once. A tour de force. The clowns at the other studios who passed on this are gonna lose their jobs when this movie comes out and opens huge. Whoever at the other studios thought that this script wasn’t up to snuff can kiss my ass. Idiots. You think Peter Jackson is going to get involved with a property if the script royally sucked?! I think not.

Halo is a balls to the wall unapologetic, ruthlessly ultra-violent war movie - and it’s cool as hell, man. How violent is it? It’s the Saving Private Ryan of video game movies. We got headshots, bodies being cut in half by the swords of the Stealth Elite. We see what kind of damage plasma grenades can do and yes we get to see the horror of flood infection vessels - heads snapping back and torsos exploding.

Wow, praise indeed. I think the calls for the Director are a tad over the top though.

This is the sci-fi movie that has James Cameron directing written all over it. That is my pick on who should direct this.

Still, it would be a nice thought. I'm also glad someone else thinks the path so far has been promising. I too thought that retaining control and creating the bible were good ideas for not having the story drift into a poor movie to raise bucks for the studio from DVD sales. Just look at Doom and how Id (the creators) handed that one off...good job there.

Still, despite LR giving this their top rating of 4 out of 4, a script has a long way to go to become a good movie. There are a string of great scripts that have turned into crap movies, or even just poor ones, and there's a long journey to go yet. I once heard said that a movie is made three times, in the script, on the set, and in the editing room. We're just through step one here.

Go have a read and come back for some comments. I'm keen to know what everyone else out there thinks of this and how it's going to turn out.

Posted by at November 7, 2005 03:10 AM


Well, that's what I would expect from an Alex Garland script. No surprise here.

No chance for James Cameron to direct this, though. He has his own projects (four, according to the latest news) to work on.

More probable director choices (in my opinion) are Alex Proyas, Danny Boyle, Darren Aronofsky - or someone like them. Talented people but not huge names in Hollywood. The really big names (Cameron, Spielberg, Lucas) have their own agenda to take care of.

Posted by: T-Jax at November 7, 2005 04:21 AM

Looking for a big name to direct something like this:

"Halo is a balls to the wall unapologetic, ruthlessly ultra-violent war movie – and it’s cool as hell, man. How violent is it? It’s the Saving Private Ryan of video game movies. We got headshots, bodies being cut in half by the swords of the Stealth Elite. We see what kind of damage plasma grenades can do and yes we get to see the horror of flood infection vessels – heads snapping back and torsos exploding."

That's the highlights of the script? That's 'cool as hell'? Please. LR needs to take its head out of its arse. Yes, there will be some folks who want carnage. They will most likely get it. But if that's all there is, if that's all anyone cares about, then 'Halo' isn't going to be cool.
It's going to be a stinkbomb.

But this also (more than likely) is an early draft, and further script drafts may yet improve.
If (and I do mean if) they get something better than what LR reports, then my vote for director goes to...

Neil Marshall.

-Sealer out

Posted by: darren seeley at November 7, 2005 08:57 AM

Soooo... according to the reviewer.... what makes a good movie is... exploding torsos???

And will someone please remind LR that the reason Peter Jackson is "involved" is because Bungie, Microsoft and Paramount are PAYING him probably over $175 million dollars to use his studios and visual effects companies WETA Digital and WETA Workshop.

Also, the last word I heard is that a first draft want'st even completed yet... so I doubt this is true. Having said that... LR is usually a pretty reliable source.

Posted by: John Campea at November 7, 2005 09:34 AM

Oh... and one more thing....

There is NO WAY Microsoft or anyone else invoved in the financing of this movie is going to allow it to be that grusome.

They know full well that the majority of the box office money from this movie will be made from people under 16.

This film will be PG. Period. It SHOULD be rated R... but it won't be. To ensure maximum box office returns they'll go PG.

Posted by: John Campea at November 7, 2005 09:37 AM

You know, I disagree that it would be PG. I think PG-13 or above would be better suited. The game itself is rated M (Mature, age 17 or older) and while I think they can scale some of the game's content to a PG-13 level, I don't think they will push it back to PG. You're right--it SHOULD be rated R, for the following reasons: violence, war, blood, strong language, gore, etc. The game had it, the movie should have it, and the diehard fans will want to see a movie that is true to the game. If this game sold mostly to people under 16 then they had someone 18 or over buying the game for them then. Heck, it's been a few years, maybe their fanbase grew up enough to watch a rated R never know.

The one thing I agree on? It probably won't be what the fans want, but what will sell a lot more tickets...

Posted by: Seth at November 7, 2005 10:25 AM

I am a lover of Halo. But I have to agree- "exploding torsos" do not make a good movie. With all the action sequences hilighted in this review, I hope there's some character developed. Doom was action and failed. All video game movies are based around action and fail. Halo has to deliver on its story beyond the visuals.

Be that as it may, I don't know what to vest in this review. It sounds like it's basically Halo 1, which is a good thing. Honestly, I fell in love with that game based on it's story and characters-- the fun in the shoot 'em up was just icing on the cake. And no way this will be PG. PG-13 at the very least.

Posted by: chark hammis at November 7, 2005 02:41 PM

I totally agree with Chark. John, your smoking weed if you think this will be PG. This will be PG-13 and have LOTR style gore/violence. I mean, it's not what is shown in the eyes of the MPAA, but from what angle and how fast.

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at November 7, 2005 02:51 PM

Sorry... I keep forgeting there is a difference between PG and PG-13. So Yes, I agree... PG-13 is probably be where it's at.

My only point was that it wasn't going to be "R" rated stuff.

Posted by: John Campea at November 7, 2005 10:38 PM

Yeah, it's that Canada/US rating discrepancy.

I dunno- John. I think it boils down to perception in video games. People consider them kids stuff with their film adaptations needing to appeal to that target. However, they're not kids stuff and the avarage game player is well above 18 years old. Halo is rated "M", which is the MPAA equivalent of "R". It's not for the kiddies.

PG-13 wouldn't surprise me based on the way Hollywood thinks, but don't be so sure it won't be "R".

Posted by: chark hammis at November 8, 2005 02:30 PM

I dont think the writer was exactly saying that the movie will only be good because of the exploding torsos and stuff...he was simply saying that the movie will not be toned will be made like the game with the violence and gore instead of a sappy made for kids movie. I hope he is right and this movie will be portrayed as a the end of the world, blow your ass away slugfest (or bulletfest!!) that is it supposed to be. Both games has good plot, the first one more so than the second, but I think we are in for a real treat here.

Posted by: MechoPower at November 8, 2005 03:33 PM

I hope so, Mecho!

Posted by: chark hammis at November 8, 2005 03:42 PM

Ummm Bungie has said the movie will not be rated under R so yes it will be rated R. :P

Posted by: amanz at December 3, 2005 02:13 PM I dont have to worry about some bratty ass kids or stupid noisy teenagers ruining my movie going experience. Now I can be satisfied with blood and guts and violence and awesome weapons just like all us Marines love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: MechoPower at December 5, 2005 03:28 PM

All I can say is, "THANK YOU GOD!" when I heard that they were sticking to Halo 1's story line. Yes, the "Fall of Reach" was an excellent book, but it is'nt Halo movie material. Good to know that Bungie is not going to care about rating it "R". Kudos to them! The movie industry needs a good kick in the balls for failing to provide adults like us entertainment that the MC would be more than happy to deliver in an "R" rated film. One request that I have for Bungie, the director, or whoever is in charge of stunts, is to not, I repeat, NOT have any of this "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Cooch Snatching" BULLSHIT. I'm so sick of that shit! If the MC dances like a fairy on a tree branch, I'm gonna shoot myself in the face. It needs to be dark, scattered with dramatic imagery, full of simple, yet tactically effective and brutal maneuvers, AND have a good story. If Bungie plays their cards right, they can pull it off. Best of luck to them.

Posted by: ghostartist3d at December 13, 2005 05:15 AM