November 03, 2005

Halo Movie Update

The cogs are still turning on the Halo movie project. The good folks over at FilmForce are reporting that Halo the movie will begin shooting before May 2006 and has a target of mid 2007 as a release date.

I can't see them sticking to that schedule. If they did indeed only start filming in May and aimed for say... an August 2007 release date... then that only gives them just over a year to film and do all the FX and post production work on it. A film like Halo which will undoubtedly be SERIOUSLY heavy on the Visual Effects is just going to need more time than that... if they're going to do it right.

Unless they start shooting much earlier... I'm betting we're going to see a Christmas 2007 release date at the earliest.

Posted by John Campea at November 3, 2005 11:00 AM


I wonder if the fact this film already has visual effects to work off of would have an effect on speeiding production? While there will still be pre-production etc., a lot fo the legwork is gone from designing weapons, ships, environments and aliens...? That date may not be unrealistic.

Posted by: chark hammis at November 3, 2005 02:03 PM

Hey there Chark,

No, that really won't have any impact on productin time. As a matter of fact it may actually add to it.

Even though the games have guns and ships... they're just poorly rendered and low detailed items. All the pre-production team will have to go on it those rough and basic shapes.

Not to mention building them in real and virtual relms. The fact some some of the elements already have looks to them won't make a dent in the overall production... and most importantly post-production elemements for them.

Drawing a ship can take 15 minutes. Building perfectly detailed ship in 3D and then animating it to move through 3 seconds of laser fire can take a month.

Posted by: John Campea at November 3, 2005 02:12 PM

Will be a cool movie i'd say. I just loved Starship Troopers 1 when that got out, brilliant movie.

Posted by: sup3rbuck at November 3, 2005 02:47 PM

ok, about the friggin movie ur talikng 'bout.
hell yeah, generally taking game to the big screen suck, example, resident evil, it aint the worse movie, but nothin amazing. or the other way, tarminator 3 may be cool, but the ga sucks. and thats what i thoght until i saw peter jackson talking about the dam movie saying her was exited about the whole thing. when i saw that, i had more hope. by the way, the movie will hit the screen on the 2007.
lets hope it ends up well.

Posted by: alberto at November 8, 2005 05:18 PM

i carnt fukin wait 2 c dis film am sik of sein gd games (resident evil) being ruined by fukin stupid directers and bad actors they better not fuk this one up or thers gona b alot of pissed off fans

Posted by: Gooch at November 11, 2005 07:10 PM