November 10, 2005

Green Day to make American Idiot movie

AmericanIdiot.jpgWell this one is out of left field, in a morning where I'll post two music related stories, this has to be the oddest by far. From Digital Spy

Green Day are to make a movie of ‘American Idiot’- but they will not appear in it themselves...Front-man Billy Joe Armstrong said: "I'm going to be involved in some of the writing and production for the movie, which will be like a mix of The Who's albums and films, Tommy and Quadrophenia.”

He does go on to say that the acting will be left to the professionals, although there is the hint that you could see them in cameo roles, as he does say "starring roles". It'll be interesting to see the genre of music movies alive again, it's not one that's really taken off unless the band is huge, and Green Day certainly are. It also sounds like they've got their heads screwed on a little regarding how it should be done.

We shall see though. What we can be assured is a kick ass soundtrack.

Posted by at November 10, 2005 03:45 AM


Green day can kiss my rear-end. I'm surprised you would give those anti-American punks attention at a time like this....

Posted by: JAGMIR at November 10, 2005 08:15 AM

Lets hear it for Green Day, The French, and all the other Liberals who bend over and take it up the ass from Islamic Fascists!!

Hip Hip Hooray!!

Hip Hip Hooray!!

Hip Hip Hooray!!

Posted by: Normal at November 10, 2005 09:52 AM

Anti-American? You're a moron. Green Day is an amazing band and I know I'm not the only one looking forward to seeing this movie. It may be good or it may not, but just because somebody doesn't like the current US President doesn't mean they're anti-American. Next time you should know what you're talking about before you make a comment like that. Jackass.

Posted by: Matt at November 10, 2005 09:56 AM

Take it up the ass from Islamic Fascists? What does that even mean?

Posted by: Islamic Fascists? at November 10, 2005 09:59 AM

Good Lord, Green Day anti-American? That's just a stupid thing to write. The album is anti-Bush/ anti-war, nothing more.

As for the movie, their latest (12 minute!) video 'Jesus of Suburbia' gives a hint of what the movie could be like:

And yes, Green Day kicks ass.

Posted by: ThS at November 10, 2005 10:09 AM

Dear me. Someone who doesn't know anything of history.

You'll find that when hundreds of thousands of people (read those figures) were being "ethnic cleansed" in Rwanda and Somalia it was the Liberal countries who assisted. The others (US included) sat, argued and procrastinated until it was too late.

Back on topic. It's a movie, and a song.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at November 10, 2005 10:16 AM

Green Day is anit-American? Why, because they offer dissent to the status quo?

"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism."
--Thomas Jefferson

Perhaps it is you, sir, who is anti-American.

Posted by: Josh Boelter at November 10, 2005 10:52 AM

Green Day might be anti-talent, but I would not say they are anti-American. And I am not sure I would call them punks either. But good for them (or Billy) for making a movie. I thought that damn September music video was as long as a movie... but anyway.

Posted by: Ryan at November 10, 2005 11:04 AM


Like if Hillary Clinton got elected all of a sudden the Libs would stand up and support fighting back against the Islamo-Nazi's.

Sheyah! Rayht! Ashpinchtersayswhat?

Btw - HAPPY VETERANS DAY!! God bless the American soldier. Pissing off dictators for 229 years and counting!

Not that you libs think much of God, or our Vets. But you sure do an ass-load to try and make us feel sorry for people that do this sort of thing...

They must be "Trapped by Poverty" or "Discrimination" or "Western Imperialism" or "Global Warming" or some other such bullshit-nonsense.

Have fun looking at yourself in the mirror and sleeping with yourself at night. Knock back a few more shots of Vodka and Prozac. You'll find your self esteem in there somewhere... eventually... maybe?

Nah!!! Probably Not!!

Posted by: Normal at November 10, 2005 11:37 PM

Ass Pinchers Eyes What? I don't get it.

Don't know what your rant is all about...but you're welcome to it.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at November 11, 2005 02:55 AM

Yeah, we all know it is so much more American to lie our country into a war against another nation not a threat to our own than it is to speak out against such traitorous acts.

Posted by: IfightFascists at November 11, 2005 05:42 PM

green day kicks ass they r the best punk rock band EVER no amtter what u stupid nonliking green day ppl say!

Posted by: jodi at November 12, 2005 10:39 PM

OMG, are you actually pulling out the "Bush LIIIIIIED!!!!!" card? Google Clinton Iraq 1998. (It's not just Clinton either. Gore, Hillary, Kerry, and many many more Dems/Libs supported and even voted to go to war.) And then come back and tell us how "stupid" Bush is and then follow it up with a wild conspiracy theory about how he orchestrated the 9/11 attacks to get all his "buddies at Halliburton" rich. Yeah, any idiot could pull that off. But then again if he was able to do all that, why wouldn't he go to the trouble of planting some WMD's in Iraq? Seems like that would be the easy part, no? Rock stars, rebeling against the MAN??? How original. That's so punk. Is there anything those guys DON'T know? I'm surprised they are able to find time to make records, go on tour, appear on tv, and now make a movie when they must be so busy researching all the information out there on 9/11, the war in Iraq and the war on terror! Or perhaps they are just latching on to a "cool" anti-establishment theme to make money off you boobs.

Posted by: adam at November 15, 2005 05:19 PM

I am a seventeen year old kid who had the PRIVELAGE of seeing green day in concert. i myself an active guitar player i decided when i saw them that i would do anything to be a proffesional musician. All you liberal assholes have trashed my favorite band and have pissed the hell out of me you dont realize that there is only like 2 or three BUSH references on the whole album. so all you liberal A-holes can stick it where the sun dont shine because this music means EVERYTHING kids like me.

P.s. I fully support bush in his decision to go to war to rid the world of people like saddam hussen.

Posted by: Richard Roppe at December 10, 2005 12:42 AM

Okay, first off, who says that Green Day is talking about Bush??? Besides the fact that in concert he states I'm George F***ing Bush to a crowd of booing fans. If you actually listened to the lyrics, I think that the majority of the CD is about his fictional character, St. Jimmy, going to war. And I feel like this CD made it so big because many people could connect to the emotions of having to go to war or losing a son or daughter or any family member to the war. Billie Joe and Green Day have every right to voice their opinions about our government in however vulgar a way that they want. And now it's Bush's turn. If Green Day had cared half as much about the government as they do now, I'm sure that they would have quite a few songs that bashed Clinton... Oh and just to let most of morons who don't know anything about Green Day know, "Wake Me Up When September Ends" IS NOT ABOUT 9/11!!! IT'S ABOUT BILLIE JOE'S DAD DYING (IN SEPTEMBER) WHENEVER HE WAS LIKE 10 YEARS OLD! Get over it, not everything they do, is "anti-american" like some stupid sh** said up there earlier. It's Anti-Bush and Anti-War. And no, I don't think that when we elect a new president that Green Day is going to be praising him/her in his songs, but if he/she actually did something right in their career, then they won't worry about it. As far as the deep details of the whole war goes, I don't know that much at all. But I know enough to know that our country was attacked and it was time for retaliation. Bush made a quick decision that most everyone thought was the right one, but now that it's almost been 5 and half years and still no sign of who we originally set out to capture, I think it's a wrong decision. And it's the fact that Bush isn't willing to admit to the country that he was wrong or even attempt to fix it, that everyone such as Green Day is getting so p***ed off at him. And then he tries to distract everyone from his original intent by presenting America, not with Osama, but with Saddam... Which, yes, I think it made the world a better place, but it wasn't our place to play world cop (once again) to simply distract us from what we are really in Iraq for.

Posted by: Darren File at January 4, 2006 12:02 AM