November 02, 2005

Final Destination 3 Trailer

The Final Destination series has done absolutely nothing for me at all. Don't get me wrong, I can see how some people may appreciate it, but even though I like a good horror film, nothing in either of the first 2 Final Destination films struck me as either enjoyable... or creepy... or scary... or heck anything at all.

Now being delivered unto us is the Final Destination 3 trailer. This time it comes with a really silly looking poster highlighting the death mechanism in balance for this film... a roller coaster. "John... did you just say a roller coaster?" Why yes, yes I did... why do you all look so disgusted?

Anyway, as you can probably tell I have no enthusiasm for a Final Destination 3 film and after viewing the Final Destination 3 trailer my excitement has dropped even lower. But for those of you who did enjoy the first Final Destination films, you can take a look at the new trailer here.

So what do you think of it? Do you think it looks any good? If so... what the heck am I missing?

Posted by John Campea at November 2, 2005 10:44 AM


The Final Destination films are far from Oscar level films... i have just always found something "fun" about them. For me, its always neat to see how they will "off" somebody. Everyone knows its gonna happen, just dont know how. Its the horror/suspense equivalant to a teenage/college comedy... everyone knows the jokes will be frequent and juvenile and will often fall flat, but you still go and get a few laughs. Same here. There will be predictable suspense and I'm sure someone will get killed by falling in a wood chipper or something equally obsurd, but it will still be a little exciting to watch (in a grim kinda way). The opening sequence to FD2 alone was worth that movie. Even if you NEVER plan to see ANY of these films, take a look at the first 10 minutes of FD2. VERY well done, especially for a "lower" budget film.

Final note: On the flipside, MOST people will be content with simply waiting for this film to come out on DVD.

Posted by: Jim at November 2, 2005 11:36 AM

ummm... wh...
wha... ummm hmmmmmmm...

could possibly be the cheesiest poster for a horror movie i've ever seen.

i loved parts one and two. but ''this smell stink of it.''

Posted by: mogulus at November 2, 2005 06:13 PM

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