November 03, 2005

Fearless Trailer

I finally came across the Fearless trailer. I heard about this Jet Li and Michelle Yeoh project a while ago but never really heard anything since.

According the they IMDB the plot outline for Fearless goes something like this: "This film tells the story of Chinese Martial Arts Master Huo Yuanjia (1869-1910). Huo Yuanjia was the founder and spiritual guru of the Jin Wu Sports Federation." Sounds a little like the idea behind the Bruce Lee story... but anyway...

The trailer doesn't really give anything at all away as far as the story goes. Nothing at all. Pretty much the entire trailer is just Jet Li in the ring fighting various guys with various weapons.... and some of the shots made me variously wet myself... because man some of the moves in this thing look amazing.

You can head over and see the Fearless trailer here.

Posted by John Campea at November 3, 2005 10:21 AM


It sounds like the Bruce lee film becuase both films are about the same group [Bruce thought very highly of Huo Yuanjia]. Jet Lee's Fist of Legend is more of a direct remake of the Bruce Lee film [both are pure fantasy as far as I know]. This time out Jet is portraying the founder of the Jin Wu Sports Federation [a true story] not a follower. His character, Huo Yuanjia, is very famous in China for fighting and defeating some great fighters from all over the world. He became a living legend and was even known in Europe after defeating some champion Greco-Roman wrestler [a part of the trailer].

Posted by: Halcyon at November 3, 2005 10:52 AM

upstairs, u don't know anything abouut the story, its nothing sound like the idea about the Bruce Lee's story. Maybe because you're not chinese, that's why u will never get it... jet li is jet li... he is my man pal...

Posted by: Kim sin at December 24, 2005 06:48 PM

I love Jet Li, I wish my bf can fight like him. Fuck Bruce Lee. He is just a joke. Jet uses real kung fu.

Posted by: jennifer at December 24, 2005 06:50 PM

no fuck you miss lopez,Bruce is not a joke he is an analytical scientific fighter who created a little science called Jeet Kune Do that ends a fight,not start a fight,with short lethal fast moves. I am looking forward to this film it will be the best martial arts flick.Look at TYG and OngBak now that is crapfest.

Posted by: sdg at December 26, 2005 12:00 AM

yeah, those who don't know much about it will never appreciate it.
You need to understand to love such kind of passion for martial arts.

Posted by: onnyik at January 6, 2006 07:04 PM

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