November 01, 2005

Fan Boys

Fans Boys sounds like a film designed specifically for my friends and I. It appears that The Weinstein Company is getting themselves ready to do a film that they will indeed call "Fan Boys".

The good folks over at Cinema Confidential give us these details about the project:

The film will follow a group of hardcore Star Wars fan boys who set out to take their dying friend to Skywalker Ranch to see the movie in a perfect setting before he passes away.
Just give the Oscar to this film right now. Clearly this is visionary filmmaking at it's very best!!! (Ok I'm a little biased).

I'm a pretty lucky guy. As a "Fan Boy" myself, I've already made my pilgrimage to Skywalker Ranch, stood inside the theater that they mention above and bask in the glory that is LucasFilm. These experiences have made me the envy of just about all my friends (and yes... we are all geeks. Why do you ask?). So a film about this instantly gets my attention.

The only question I have is... could a project like this one actually have a wide enough market appeal to be successful? Not all Star Wars fan are "Fan Boys". I guess a lot will deepened on the story itself and how well they pull it off. Oh well... I'll be there to see it for sure. Maybe I'll even see it at the ranch. :P

Posted by John Campea at November 1, 2005 01:28 PM


I for one will go and see it. :-)

Posted by: Simone at November 1, 2005 05:29 PM

Hoe different is this than...oh, what was the name of it? Hold on...let me get my thinking cap. It was a doc about four years ago...

"The Last Hope"-by Chris Hrasky & Kurt Volk. These guys made a 90 minute doc showcasing on Star Wars fans who lived on the sidewalks in front of Mann's Chinese Theater in H'wood, just to be among the first to see 'Phantom Menace'. The doc showxased the fans, a small time actor who at the time worked at the Theatre, and the founders of

Considering this and also "Trekkies" which of course, covers Sc-Fi/Star Trek conventions, what possibly more can this new, em, 'episode' possibly say about a die hard fanbase?

Posted by: darren seeley at November 1, 2005 06:48 PM

Some people have no lives I guess...I mean it is cool that they fullfill the wish of their dying friend...but the one thing he wants before he croaks is to go to the Star Wars ranch?? Ok, I just went a bought the DVD yesterday and after watching it only one time...I wish I would have spent the 16 dollars I wasted on it, on something can this movie be the Hollywood movie of the year? Lets see...all the droids in all the movies sounded like flaming homosexuals (no offense to you flaming homosexuals out there). Every actor with the exception on Obi Wan, was dry and completely and utterly unconvincing..."You-re breaking my heart Anakin"...oh please...Natalie, you got paid the insane amount of cash that you did and that was the best performance you could put out?? If you watch the deleted scenes, you will see some very pertinent scenes that were left out of the movie that would have brought it together a whole lot more. The plot jumped around and was way too choppy. The whole scene with Yoda on Kashyyk was completly useless. You have got to be completely insane if this movie satisfied you. I am a huge Star Wars fan but all the prequels completely destroyed my faith in the series. The older those were movies as they should be done!!! I guess some people are just happy with anything with the name Star Wars plastered on it.

Posted by: Mecho [TypeKey Profile Page] at November 2, 2005 08:39 AM

Mecho, will you throw that DVD away, cause I dont mind having it? I'll have 2 copies of it then cause I ABSOLUTELY loved it! *smiles*

Posted by: Simone at November 2, 2005 11:36 AM