November 08, 2005

Edison trailer

Edison features some interesting stars, Kevin Spacey, Morgan Freeman, John Heard and others such as LL Cool J and Justin Timberlake.

Yes John, they are singers turned actors - dun dun DUN! - something you definitely don't care for. However, I'm not so quick to judge. For example I actually like LL Cool J, I think he's got a great personality, some kick ass tunes, and has turned out some good performances for the films he's done. He's no Shakespeare, but he's damn good at the roles he's given.

Timberlake on the other hand is an unknown quantity as yet, and even in this trailer you don't hear a word out of him until late on, and then it's a few words. He's definitely good at looking determined at the camera, but is he a good actor?

The trailer for Edison can now be seen over at the official site, thanks to dtheatre for the heads up. Take a look and see what you think, could Timberlake make it as an actor - no way to tell with what little we're given, but Cool J still looks cool and good, especially alongside the big hitters. I'm looking forward to this one.

Posted by at November 8, 2005 05:58 PM


and soon they'll learn how do de-interlace and get correct aspect ratios for their streaming video.

Posted by: Morgan [TypeKey Profile Page] at November 9, 2005 04:26 PM

I think it's pretty telling when in the entire trailer they won't let the audience see Timberlake actually SAYING any lines... oh... except for "what do you think".

Posted by: John Campea at November 16, 2005 02:12 PM