November 28, 2005

Dungeon Siege trailer online

Yes. Uwe Boll's epic Dungeon Siege based movie (almost wrote game there!) is almost here. In the In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale is due for release next year but you can catch the trailer already.

Courtesy of Fantastic Films International through Movies Online, here's the trailer for Dungeon Siege, which by the very title suggests there may be a few in the series...oh lord.

Actually, the trailer is kinda fun. It's just the out of place actors and some dead deliveries of lines that get me. What do you make of it? (A hat, a broach, a pterydac...oh dear.) It's 27.2Mb and a slow loader, so go make yourself a couple of cups of tea!

Posted by at November 28, 2005 12:55 PM


another bad movie by Boll. Some dead deliveries? Ok, Rhys-Davies is the only one that I can pass as decent. Burt Reynolds as a king? In a fantasy film? Ray Liotta's performance is definetely out of place. And the faces he does. Does Boll really want him to do that?

Posted by: igl85 at November 28, 2005 01:33 PM


Did Uwe start doing comedy without telling anyone? If I had been drinking coffee it'd be all over my monitor.

Seriously, looks like the worst kind of DTV Beastmaster/Deathstalker movie with pretentions of LOTR style "epicness".

If it wasn't rumoured to be 3 hours long it would probably be hilarious to watch drunk and mock MST3K style, not simply painful-to-endure like the other two and a half.

Is it wrong that I expect the trailer to be more coherent than the final film?

Posted by: Stuart @ Cinema Blend at November 28, 2005 03:49 PM

Uwe Boll has said that he plans to split the film into two movies.

God help us.

Posted by: jj at November 28, 2005 09:57 PM

haha... Kill Boll Vol 1 and 2.. :)

I think the movies this guy makes are garbage, but he seems to make money doing them (tax incentives, idiots that actually see or rent this stuff)... so more power to him..


Posted by: Kevin at November 28, 2005 10:17 PM

i enjoy hearing the guys on the audio edition ripping this film.
they should do that more.

Posted by: mogulus at November 29, 2005 12:40 AM

Slow loader? I just averaged 806 kbps on my work connection. Holy crap.

Posted by: Jeff at December 2, 2005 03:45 PM