November 14, 2005

Digital movie distribution first?

Projector.jpgWarner Brothers are claiming a first since they successfully transmitted a movie via fibre optic cables from California to three Japanese theatres. Okay, it was only a test, but it was a successful one.

According to The Guardian, the movie tested was The Corpse Bride, and it was made on the new DCI standards for digital movie distribution that were finalised recently.

It all sounds good and the article closes with Warner Brothers stating that Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire will also be broadcast digitally next week. There are no details on where in the world or how many theatres.

I'm not so sure this is such a big first. Sure they've done it using the new standards, but I remember hearing about The Last Broadcast being streamed over the Internet into some theatres and shown.

Still this is the new distribution model which will bring us cheaper movies...oh I'm sorry, bring the cinema owners cheaper movies and better profits - god knows they need some mind you, there's only so much you can make on a hot dog.

Posted by at November 14, 2005 05:01 PM