November 22, 2005

Dead or Alive (DOA) trailer

DOA.jpgI thought I was about to totally lamblast the trailer for DOA: Dead or Alive considering it's a very weak videogame idea taken to an even weaker movie, but then I saw it and thought three things. Fun, Sexy Ladies and Cool Fight Scenes.

The trailer can be found through Rapid Share sourced through Cinematical and is a 47.6Mb Quicktime. For non-Rapid Share users, select the FREE button on the table, wait for the countdown at the bottom of the page to finish, then select the link when it refreshes.

You know, I think it looks a lot of fun and laughs, in a Charlies Angels sort of way. It's definitely a disengage brain movie, but come on...Anyone with me? Do I hear a squeak?

Posted by at November 22, 2005 02:46 PM


same here, I found myself smiling. Hot chicks, fight scenes. As long as it's better than street fighter I'll like it :)

Posted by: igl85 at November 22, 2005 05:30 PM

And don't forget. A Spartan, baby! Halo is going to take over the world.

Posted by: chark hammis at November 22, 2005 07:01 PM

wicked. :)

Posted by: B A T M A N at November 23, 2005 03:29 AM

Finally, a place where people arent bitching about this movie not being some great kung fu epic. It looks like it's in the spirit of the game, and they all look pretty close to their videogame counterpoints. DOA has always been about the girls and how sexy they are. This movie seems to get that. They still need to have some good fighting in it though. The clips they showed didn't give me a good enough idea. But it did seem to show the different styles of each girl.

Posted by: Pudie at November 23, 2005 11:20 AM

As long as Tina's in there and she uses all kinds of wrestling moves, I'll be happy. *sigh* Tina...

Posted by: Rufus2k2 at November 23, 2005 12:57 PM

Topless fight sence and AD/DC music... I'm so there!

Posted by: Alfredo at November 24, 2005 10:36 AM


I don't know why americans have this obsession for taking things that make the others and DO IT the AMERICAN WAY.

you've taken DOA and made another CHARLIE'S ANGELS crap in a hat movie.

Posted by: Orochuban Ebichu at November 24, 2005 11:01 AM

this movie is gonna suck, and i ain't just talkin bout jamie presley. i am so sick of these frikkin movie companies taken films and "pissin on em." i wish they would just stop making movies from games completely. resident evil 1+2 sucked. street fighter sucked. house of the dead sucked. need i go on. even this bloodrayne movie is gonna suck. man, it just pisses me off to be insulted by these movies execs that think i just want all boob and no good story. the game was an awesome game, but the story to it was weak, so i was skeptacle and didn't expect them to use that story. i wouldn't have minded if they exhanged it for a different one. but this is bullcrap. i mean, let's be honest have you ever seen jamie presley in a movie you like for the movie aspect? no, and you won't start here. if you're a straight guy or a gay girl, and you like this movie, your opinion should never be trusted by anyone.

Posted by: christopher harper at November 29, 2005 08:03 PM

they gave fuckin ayane PURPLE hair! wtf?

Posted by: christopher harper at November 29, 2005 08:04 PM

this look's cheesy but the doa girl's are freakin hot so i would go see this movie and that guy pudie is totaly right it's about time that there's a site talking about this movie and there's no bitchin anyway it look's cool but i'll most likely just rent it

Posted by: Jonathan at January 10, 2006 02:57 PM