November 01, 2005

Day of the Dead remake gets Director

First up, it wouldn't matter who was announced as the Director for the remake of Day of the Dead, I would always wonder why it wasn't George A. Romero, so anyone would be a disappointment. According to Movies Online it's definitely not Romero:

According to Variety the Millennium Films and Emmett/Furla Films remake will be directed by Steve Miner. He is know for helming movies like "Friday the 13th Part 2", "Halloween H20" and "Lake Placid". Jeffrey Reddick ("Final Destination") is writing the script...

...Avi Lerner [from the Production Company] said that they are "very enthusiastic about the marketplace's continued demand for new and exciting horror pictures, and we are please to have Steve helm this."

Mmmm, this is not new though, it's a remake. A remake of a classic film that forms part of a series of classic films made by a classic horror Director, and despite that same Director remaking the first of his classics, this next one is being handed to another Director.

Mmmm...that doesn't sit entirely well with me as a member of the audience, and one of the demographic you are just referring to, and it doesn't really fit in that statement of new and exciting. What do you think? Is this good or bad news for Miner's assignment? Is it a travesty that Romero is not back in this one?

Posted by at November 1, 2005 12:40 PM


Has any director ever directed a remake of one of their own movies?

Posted by: adam at November 1, 2005 06:49 PM

Adam: While some may argue that Sam Raimi's "Evil Dead 2" is a remake of the first "Evil Dead", that can be debated. However, the answer still is yes. His name was Cecil B. DeMille. The movie was "The Ten Commandments". The first one he did as a B&W; silent film; his remake is the classic we know today with Chareton Heston and the late Yul Brenner.

As for Steve Miner...
I thought 'Halloween H2O' was really good and should have been the film to end the series. I actually thought personally it was the best one since the Carpenter original.
I didn't think much of "Lake Placid'- it had some nice moments, don't want to see the monster of the film tied and shipped by semi truck when the credits roll. You want someone to make leather bags out of the green beast, y'know what I mean?

But I loved Miner's film from the late 80's, a horror-comedy called "House" with William Katt as this Stephen King type author whose son is lost in a supernatual dimension connected to his parent's house.

Given the idea that Miner's handed Jason (Friday 2) and Michael Myers, I'm sure he can pull off the 'Day Of The Dead' update. But who directs it and why isn't the real issue. The real issue is, remake or not...

...ANOTHER zombie movie?!?

Posted by: darren seeley at November 1, 2005 07:05 PM

DeMille also made not one but two remakes of his first feature "The Squaw Man". First version 1913, second version 1918, third version 1931.

Posted by: James Russell at November 2, 2005 07:09 AM

I'm a bit puzzled by this statement, Richard:

"...despite that same Director remaking the first of his classics..."

Unless I'm misreading what you've said here, Romero hasn't actually remade any of his films, has he (notwithstanding the line of thought that reckons "Land of the Dead" is a kind of remake of "Day of the Dead")? "Night" was remade by Tom Savini. "Dawn" by Zack Snyder. "Day" by this Miner character. And "The Crazies" is slated for next year, to be redone by Brad Anderson. But no remakes by uncle George himself that I can see...

Posted by: James Russell at November 2, 2005 08:01 AM

Yeah! Someone reads the posts in detail...

...correct. He never remade any of his movies, but a modern day continuation of his zombie genre would be something between a sequel and what the Hollywood types are calling a revisualisation.

You said it yourself, it is really a remake of his previous movie(s). I think the point made earlier stands too...another zombie movie? Where can they really go with the deep and multi-layered plot?!

Posted by: Richard Brunton at November 2, 2005 11:49 AM

well i will throw this one into the debate in 1985 when george made day of the dead his budget was slashed because he wouldnt compromise on the gore so his original script for the movie was never made.
essentialy romero rewrote DAY OF THE DEAD and made it his bitterest addition to his magnificent saga. what we were left with was the darkest and nightmarish addition to his zombie movies.
of course romeros original movies are the best. i read a lot of people pitting the new DAWN OF THE DEAD against the original its pointless
because romeros original movie still has a power to it after 22 years and i really dont think that the remake will have that impact 22 years down the line. i think steve (friday the 13th) miner may give romero fans a teasing glimpse at what would of happened if romero had been given his bigger budget in 1985.
i think a lot of romero fans felt a bit let down with LAND OF THE DEAD after waiting twenty years for it. but to be fair to romero when you wait twenty years nothing will compare with what you have imagined the film to be in your head. i thought LAND OF THE DEAD was
awesome and i hope romero makes another even darker zombie masterpiece. we are waiting george thanks for 40 years of frights and thrills long may you continue to frighten us.

Posted by: mark loughton at November 19, 2005 04:17 PM