November 03, 2005

Castlevania The Movie

Oh yes my friends, Castlevania the movie is on it's way. Why castlevania? Well... why not Castlevaniz? they're making every other video game into a pathetic movie... why not this one too?

Oh but wait! Perhaps they'll get a guy with a solid track record for fantastic filmmaking to helm the project and will give us a classic epic film to revolutionize the whole video game genre of films!

Oh wait... who is that? Oh... it's Paul WS Anderson (RESIDENT EVIL, SOLDIER, AVP). Oh... well forget that then. Here comes another pathetic Video Game adaptation movie. OhhRaahh.

Posted by John Campea at November 3, 2005 11:20 AM


If i had to choose between Anderson and Toiletboll i would choose Anderson, i would choose Anderson. Att least MK and RE is watchable

Posted by: hi at November 3, 2005 12:14 PM

YAY! Remember one of my fav films is Resident Evil.

Paul has a terrific eye for action and style so this is a good pairing.

Posted by: jack at November 3, 2005 01:52 PM

A good movie is not just in the hands of a director. You can take a silly plot and miricles with it or take a great idea and turn it into crap. Take Alien 3. Perhaps a bad idea from the start, but the director (forgot his name) is a genious who went on to make excellent films!

Resident Evil was, for its time, new and exciting. But it wasn't the story that made it good. It was a good eye for action and lighting mixed with Manson's kick ass soundtrack. That's why RE2 was terrible. From the second the film opened with normal music I knew I was in trouble.

This film, like so many others, could go either way.

Posted by: Donnie Boy at November 5, 2005 09:52 AM

Resident Evil 2 was better than 1 IMO, but neither are what you would call great movies.

Posted by: stonemonkey45 at November 6, 2005 11:01 PM

It will suck. Damn hi and jack. Ya'll are complete dumbasses.

Posted by: Joes at November 12, 2005 01:05 PM

Paul WS Anderson, i think this movie it's gonna be worse than the super mario brothers movie , just imagine a living actor swinging his whip across transylvania , beating skelletons up ,it makes want to kill my self, how can they ruin the castlevania saga

Posted by: john r kill at November 13, 2005 01:23 AM

I think that my version of the castlevania script will kick ass and that's a promise you guys.Scott Kosar and me will be the screen writers, Wes craven will be the director, John Carpenter and me will be the producers while Anderson and Sean S. Cunningham will be the executive producers. I think that's the bomb.This film will be released by New Line Cinama,in association with Dimension Films, and MGM Studios. It will also be inspired by a true story, and that story will be the life of Ed Gein the serial killer of Plainfield Wisconsin. HAHAHA!

Posted by: Akira Fudo at November 18, 2005 11:35 PM

AVP caused me physical pain.

It is in my shortlist of 'worst films I've ever sat through'. It also suffers from the same problem RE and the recent Doom have in that they all had the potential to be intense, scary experiences but they lacked the balls to make them 18/R certs because they'd loose the lucrative teen audience. Once more it comes down to the profit margin.

Posted by: ISH at November 19, 2005 07:47 PM