November 12, 2005

Art of the Devil II - GRUESOME Trailer

I like cinema from outside Hollywood, and I try not to bring too much of it to the Movie Blog, only when I think the movie really merits it, or the trailer, and with the case of Art of the Devil II, it certainly does. This trailer is gruesome, and shows some of the most graphic and disturbing horror scenes I've seen in a good while. It looks great!

From Kung Fu CULT Cinema ( apologies to them for moissing their second 'C' before) here's a trailer that is as sensually evocative as the previously posted Promise trailer but in oh so many different ways.

Seriously I'm giving you a HUGE warning before even going to the site. The posters they have are quite gory, and the trailer is way more than that. Some of the scenes are tough to watch, but then it is 11am and I've just had my breakfast!

Have a look at the trailer hosted on that horrible RapidShare (choose the free option and wait for the timer three quarters of the way down the screen), then come back here and tell us what you think. Check out the posters they have as well, as each character rips themselves apart.

I love horror, but I'm into more suspenseful horror than this. However it looks so good I might just take a taste.

Posted by at November 12, 2005 06:25 AM


Might turn out to be more grusome, then creepy but either way looks interesting. A lot of good things are coming out of Japanese Cinema especially CULT films. I might have to check this one out.

Posted by: Tooka at November 12, 2005 06:19 PM

Art of the Devil II isn't Japanese. It's THAI, you racist.

Posted by: JoJo at November 13, 2005 11:15 AM

Geez JoJo, hardly a racist for mistakingly writing the origin of a movie. Calm yourself down.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at November 13, 2005 11:47 AM

Looks pretty cool. It's just that whole silly language barrier deal. Kinda hard to get past it.

Posted by: Cory at November 14, 2005 01:59 PM

I already watched this Thai movie. Eemmm... Only word to describe this movie is rock , great , horror , bastard , shock , and unseenable movie...

I love it so much , Kinda great , No , I mean the greatest of all horror movie I have ever seen in my life, Think about shutter, this one is scarier and nastier than shutter , I have to close my eyes while watching this movei and prayed in my mind that this movie would be finish as fast as possible cause I can't stand with it scary any more

what I wanna say is this will rock u ever 2 mins like what the poster says.

Posted by: Aekio at December 8, 2005 11:11 AM