November 17, 2005

Anthony Hopkins lifetime achievement award at Golden Globes

How good is Anthony Hopkins? I mean how many actors can you mention that bring just about any movie they're in INSTANT credibility just because they're involved? Not many. But Anthony Hopkins is one of those few men.

According to the BBC, Anthony Hopkins will be awarded this year's Cecil B DeMille lifetime achievement award at the Golden Globes on January 16th. It is an honor that is much deserved. I'll be shocked if the Oscars don't do the same thing within the next 5-7 years as well.

My personal favorite Anthony Hopkins movie is his 1997 film "The Edge" that he did with Alec Baldwin. If you haven't seen it... get out and rent it. It's not a big budget action adventure... but man I loved it. We here at The Movie Blog salute you Mr. Hopkins for a fine career and we look forward to many more of your projects.

What is your favorite Hopkins movie?

Posted by John Campea at November 17, 2005 01:54 PM


Silence of the Lambs

Posted by: Lou_Sytsma at November 17, 2005 03:11 PM

The Edge is an awesome flick!! I thought I was the only person that saw that! In the theater no less!

Posted by: adam at November 17, 2005 03:39 PM

Well done for him. I am happy for him because he just deserves it 100% and nothing else. This guy is a "Beast", meaning that he simply is one of the best. Even in crappy movies, you can see that he always does a great job for his part. Furthermore, somehow he manages to steal the glory even if he has small parts.

Well done again, I hope some of the new actors manage to get that good as him.

My favorite film was the "Silence of the lambs"...

Posted by: Stamoz at November 18, 2005 12:05 PM

It's hard to pick a favorite. The first movie I remember watching him in was The Bounty, which is a favorite.

However I think my favorite Anthony Hopkins performance is Remains of the Day - wow, nearly every emotion was played through his eyes.

Posted by: Meli at November 18, 2005 02:17 PM

My favorite Anthony Hopkins movie has to be The Silence of The Lambs. Just looking in his eyes when he has his conversations with Clarice Starling shows you his incredible skill as an actor. I don’t think any other actor has been able to achieve the fame and respect as this man has not only in the movie industry, but as an intellectual in the world of fact. I did not personally see The Edge, or even hear of it for that matter. However, I will make it a point to rent it. Thanks for the suggestion. I am move then thrilled that he has been chosen for this well deserved award, and only hope that there are many more to follow.

Posted by: laur at November 21, 2005 08:12 AM

The Tenth Man and Shadowlands were my favorite Anthony Hopkins movies.

Posted by: Sue at January 17, 2006 02:47 PM