November 24, 2005

A Scanner Darkly Release Date

Looks like Keanu Reeves new flick A Scanner Darkly finally has a release date set for March 31st 2006 in limited release. No word yet on wide release dates... but it probably won't be long after that.

The good folks over at Freeze Dried Movies gives us this:

This story takes place in the future, where undercover agents change their faces along with their identities. Reeves plays one such officer, and his liberal ingestion of the drug Substance D causes him to develop a split personality.
I've watched the trailers... but at this point I'm still not really sold on the whole idea yet. Still... the style of the film looks really interesting, I'll give it that. It's also got a solid ensemble cast (aside from Reeves who I've never liked that much) Robert Downey Jr., Woody Harrelson, Winona Ryder, , Heather Kafka, Dameon Clarke, Rory Cochrane, Jack Cruz.

It's interesting... even though I'm not sure it's going to be all that good... I'm still looking forward to seeing it.

By the way, if you want to see the A Scanner Darkly trailer you can go here.

Posted by John Campea at November 24, 2005 07:42 AM


If this movie is as good as AICN say and as good as it looks from the trailer, it's gonna finally give Richard Linklater the name he deserves. Linklater cannot make a bad movie. The guy took a typical teen-stoner movie and made it a comedy classic (Dazed and Confused), made a flick about two people talking for a hour and a half a million times better than it ever could have been (Before Sunrise), gave it an equally good sequel (Before Sunset), and made the best rock comedy since Spinal Tap and made Jack Black a star (School of Rock).

Nobody can squirt out as many good movies as he can. 1 to 2 movies a year and their always amazing. He simply has an almost too great an understanding of what makes a good movie.

Alongside Tarantino, Linklater has to be my favorite filmmaker. But considering it takes Tarantino 6 years at times to pop out another flick, I'd give Linklater a slight edge.

Posted by: MegaloTaco at November 24, 2005 07:26 PM

Its a great story - can't wait to see it.

Posted by: Lou_Sytsma at November 24, 2005 10:14 PM

I wondered what happened to it. I don't like studios when they shuffle release dates. I think they should just open the film when they plan to. When they start doing that some folks either forget when the film opens or that it's a turkey.

Studio politics. Figures. March 10, eh? Better stick to it, or there'll be hell to pay.

Posted by: darren seeley at November 24, 2005 10:41 PM

Don't forget about Linklater's Waking Life, animated like this one will be. I really liked Waking Life, and I'm very excited about A Scanner Darkly. I'm a huge Linklater fan. I mean, I even laughed at his remake of Bad News Bears.

Posted by: Ginny at November 24, 2005 11:56 PM

I can hardly wait.It's going to be awesome.

Posted by: electronaut at November 25, 2005 03:49 AM

I have got to agree about your comment on Linklater. I have seen the films you mentioned Megalo and loved them all. And this is also why I will watch this film, because Linklater is behind it.

Posted by: Simone at November 26, 2005 07:26 AM