November 16, 2005

9/11 Movie with Adam Sandler

I'm not a huge fan of Adam Sandler, but casting in a new 9/11 Drama provisionally called Reign O'er Me seems quite, quite unusual. It's not official yet, but the rumours are there, as well as Don Cheadle.

According to Digital Spy the story is about the Sandler character who is trying to get over the grief of losing his family on September the 11th and Cheadle is the Doctor trying to help him.

Doesn't sound too inspiring as yet, but it's early days. The news is the same is it is for the other 9/11 movies in the works, nothing to be shown of the actual events, so far this is to be based on the human aftermath.

There's beliefs either way on this one, I know some of you say too early, and some of you say it's good to not hide it. Yet whatever your belief Hollywood is still avoiding a lot of the possible controversy and concentrating on the aftermath effect of actual people.

Personally I suspect that when the movie concerning Flight 93 comes through, and the Commission film is made, the self imposed restrictions will be up and we'll start seeing films of the whole events.

Posted by at November 16, 2005 01:51 PM


Adam Sandler + 9/11= Error

It doesn't add up well, and Sandler's more serious roles like in Punch Drunk Love and Spanglish weren't that amazing; so to have him in any movie about any disaster or attack sounds foolish, evn if it is just about the aftermath. We'll have to wait and see, i'm a big fan of Sandler when it comes to his style of films like Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore; he's been keeping only some of the charm and has been drifting away from this.

Like in The Longest Yard, when Chris Rock that thing happened to him,I couldn't take Sandler's acting in that scene seriously, he looked like he was smiling more than anything, and that won't go over well with some people if he's looking like an ass in a movie about the aftermath a terrorist attack on a nation.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at November 16, 2005 03:03 PM

I am a huge Adam Sandler fan, however, that doesn’t mean he is the best actor for every type of movie. He is great at comedy; Billy Madison is one of my favorite movies ever. He is great at what he does but he has a certain image. Most people associate Adam Sandler with comedy, and the two go very well together. He has tried to break that in other movies, such as Spanglish, but overall he will not shake the relationship and he shouldn’t. With that sad, I don’t think he was the best actor to cast in a movie about 9/11. That is a huge tragedy and although I know he will admit to bring it justice, I’m just not too sure.

Posted by: Laur at November 20, 2005 06:51 PM