October 03, 2005

X-Men 3 Teaser Trailer Details

X-Men 3 looks like it's shaping up to be a disaster. We've talked a lot about it here on The Movie Blog. Today a "description" of a teaser trailer is floating around the web. The description looks good... but...

I have serious doubts about it's authenticity. Didn't they just start shooting? Some of the stuff listed in the "description" talk about shots with visual effects already done. It's too much. I just have a very hard time believing that such a trailer exists... since I doubt that ANY post-production work has been done yet at this point.

On the other hand, an argument could be made that the studio is rushing a trailer to try to counter-act all the negative buzz about the project floating around. If that's the case... it's a good idea. Not ideal... but probably something they need to do. Judge for yourself. Here's the trailer description found via CanMag:

Black Screen:

Scene of Cyclops talking as the Professor lays to his left on a straight glass like table.

Cyclops: "The Professor has slipped into a deep coma. A virus of some sort has overtaken his body."

Screen flashes black:

A scene of Storm talking to Kitty Pride. Kitty Pride has her hands on her face crying.

Storm: "Sometimes the decisions we make are the hardest ones to understand, when they cause us pain."

Screen flashes black again:

Scene of Wolverine running through a forest at night. Looking behind him, he leaps towards the camera and grunts

Screen goes black again:

Music begins as a slow background drum with a low base trombone

Scene of the X men (Cyclops, Beast, Rogue, Kitty Pride, Wolverine, Storm and Iceman) that is viewed from a hovered camera. A flash of orange light hits them and the screen goes black again

Scene of Pyro and Iceman standing in a cave like structure glaring at each other: (The background glows a yellowish tint)

Pyro: "Bobby didn’t your mother ever tell you not to play with fire?" (Igniting fire in his hand that lights the cave)

Iceman: "No John, my mother told YOU never to play with fire." (Hovers an ice ball in his hand)

Screen goes black again

Scene of Cyclops again, this time talking to an off screen character in the X Mansion

Cyclops: "The last thing I need is you here."

Off-screen character: "The first thing you need here, is to remember who you are talking to."

Screen black again:

Scene of Colossus jumping in front of Kitty Pride to save her. A punch sends him across the screen

Kitty Pride Yells, Rouge screams for Iceman

Black Screen

A Scene with Magneto speaking

Magneto: "You can not be that foolish to think you can control your powers." He begins to hurl objects off the screen

Black Screen:

Scene of Jean Grey falling to the ground through a tall building, like a wounded bird, head-first

Black Screen:

Shot of Cyclops standing over a recently dug grave. The day is dreary and grey. He has tears in his eyes

Cyclops: "I never wanted this for us. Please believe me when I say that. I will miss you."

Black Screen

Close up Shot of Beast

Beast: "If we fail, we fail all of mutant kind as well."

Black Screen

Wide Shot

Juggernaut leaping over a ravine, viewed from a side wide out shot

Fade to Black

Professor X’s Voice: "Friends sometimes die. Enemies are reborn."

Black screen

Screen shows a large X with Wolverine’s claws running across it to make a three indent.

Posted by John Campea at October 3, 2005 12:33 PM


so now everyone who would not know will now know before the movie opens that jean grey is alive. -doh.

Posted by: bond, james bond at October 3, 2005 01:44 PM

this is obviously BS.

Come on,
"Pyro: "Bobby didn’t your mother ever tell you not to play with fire?" (Igniting fire in his hand that lights the cave)

Iceman: "No John, my mother told YOU never to play with fire." (Hovers an ice ball in his hand)"

No WAY IN HELL is that POS dialogue in the film. If it is, it is a sad day for all the xmen fanboys.

Posted by: Chris at October 3, 2005 04:31 PM




DOESNT EXIST BECAUSE ONCE AGAIN.........................

We are not subject to the conjecture of fanboy idiots!!!!!!!

Posted by: Rynndar at October 3, 2005 06:00 PM

The TEASER trailer for X3 should most likely contain:

* music/theme (temp track from X2) only with minimal dialog;

* a shot of Angel (Ben Foster/or stunt double) because that's been leaked recently;

* a quick shot of Kelsey Grammer as Beast (I can "see" that line given being spoken, but it should be the last if not the only line in the teaser)

* some shots of locations (Alcatraz, Xavier's School For The Gifted)

* minor stunts/spills.

* quick shots of Wolverine in the jungle? Okay.

*Graveyard scene (but how does Cyke have tears in his eyes?) - okay, since no FX shots are needed for it or can be done practical, same with Prof X on the table and Magento's boast, but then, all we really need is just a shot of the characters without dialog, and minimal (if any) use of powers. We 'know' the primary characters by now I would think.

Posted by: darren seeley at October 3, 2005 06:09 PM

They didn't "just start shooting". An earlier interview said they're half way through principal photography. In fact, X-Men 3 has a longer principal photography schedule than either of the two previous films

Posted by: Sketchee [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 9, 2005 11:32 PM