October 24, 2005

Wonder Woman, Logans Run and V for Vendetta

JoelSilver.jpgJoel Silver is talking about all of them over at Comics2Film, including an update on that Body Snatchers revisitisation or whatever made up name they're using to describe a remake these days.

First up Wonder Woman...

"Joss Whedon's writing the script and he's really into it,"...Of casting the famous Amazon, he adds, "She's young in the movie. I don't know if it's gonna be somebody that we've heard of, but it might be."

...then let's try Logan's Run...

"Bryan, who is a very, very smart guy, a very talented guy, had been passionate about 'Logan's Run' for years, going back to the original book," Silver says. "He really sees it as something that's very right on the money for today and he's got a great vision for the movie and if all goes well, we'll be shooting that movie in about a year."

...V for Vendetta?...

"The movie is remarkable," Silver swears. "...James directed it, he got great performances, but it's their vision. They designed the movie. It's a really incredible movie. People are really gonna be blown away by it. It's big."..."We finished the movie in August and the boys wanted to have the movie come out to coincide with Guy Fawkes Day...which is a one-territory holiday and it was unbelievably oppressive to give the movie done in time for that day...It just was impossible."

...what about that Body Snatchers remake, re-visit, re-...whatever?...

"The Visiting,"...will be released next summer..."It has the essence of a kind of insidious alien invasion, but it doesn't have anything to do with pods or anything like that," Silver says. "It's much more of an original idea, but it does take some notion from that original book, the Jack Finney book. He's making a dark, eerie picture."

Some good news here, and it does sound promising for Vendetta, there's more and more good news coming out about this movie, I just hope it's all true. It would have been great for a Guy Fawkes release date in the UK - that's the celebration of that very man who tried to blow up the Houses of Parliment, on which you could say some of the lead character is based.

I'm also really excited to hear about a Logan's Run remake, but my purist Father who loves that movie won't be! What about you? Any good or bad news here?

Posted by at October 24, 2005 07:41 AM


I'm a huge fan of Logan's Run but honestly wouldn't mind seeing it updated with a budget. Any idea who the 'Bryan' he's talking about in the article is? Any chance that it's Bryan Singer?

Posted by: Richard (not Brunton) at October 24, 2005 10:56 AM

Could you actually attribute the story correctly? The story is on Zap2it.com (http://www.zap2it.com/movies/news/story/0,1259,---27076,00.html) and not affiliated with Comics2Film in any way...

Posted by: anonymous at October 24, 2005 11:21 AM

I did attribute it properly. That's where I went to get the story, and that's where the link in the story leads. If Zap2it have a problem then they should be after Comics2Film for reframing their content.

Generally we do try to mention the source and any through link, however in this case it came up under Comics2Film and there was no source link mentioned in the story. Since I was doing this at work I was reading it without images on...it's faster that way.

The Bryan is Singer. They're concerned about scheduling with Supes, but it looks like they're going to really push for

Posted by: Richard Brunton at October 24, 2005 12:24 PM