October 27, 2005

Watchmen gets second chance?

Watchmen2.jpgOh lord I hope so, and from the people who have given rebirth to the Batman series no less, Warner Brothers.

Remeber the heights us Watchmen fans were lifted to as the project gained a good Writer, a good Director, and things were actually moving? Then of course Paramount decided to be tight...Just check the related posts for the history.

With the latest story from Cinematical:

Well, today, the emotional roller coaster ride for Vertigo fans takes another wild jump, as Entertainment Weekly reports that the good folks at Warner Brothers are now in talks to bring the project into their fold. Hey, this is the company that brought us Batman Begins, right? But of course, it is also the company that brought us Catwoman.

This is exciting news, but they are right, let's not get too excited. The deal might not go through and worse yet, WB might just make a mockery of it, after all they've been known to do that with the odd movie now and again. Although have they learnt the error of their ways with the comic adaptation?

Posted by at October 27, 2005 05:55 PM


I've got the watchmen on my shelf, but haven't made it through it all the way. Why exactly is this book so controversial, as well as so revered?

Posted by: Chris at October 27, 2005 20:37

Great news!!! Now, when's that Secret Wars movie coming out?

Posted by: Derek at October 27, 2005 22:23

I wouldnt have heard of The Watchmen if not for Richard actually. Same with V for Vendetta.

Posted by: Simone at October 29, 2005 13:01

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