October 20, 2005

V for Vendetta keeps bombing scenes

V4VendettaSetPic.jpgI must admit that sometimes your preconceptions of people can be so easily shattered when they do something right. Take the team behind V for Vendetta, and the words from Producer Joel Silver through Comics 2 Film that they'll be keeping the London bombing scene in the movie:

"It has nothing to do with what happened," Silver said.

Superb. Some intelligent adult makes an intelligent and informed decision. There was some talk a little while back that they might remove the scenes that made anyone think in the slightest of that day. For me that's just as bad as pampering to the people who perpetrated the crime, they wanted us to be scared and change our way of life, and even if that leaks into the smallest part of our society I think it's a loss on our part.

All that aside, I'm dying to see this movie, with it's R rating too. It sounds like it could be one of the better (if not best) comic book adaptations to date...thoughts from out there?

Posted by at October 20, 2005 03:49 AM


I would LOVE it to work, but I have a terrible fear that it won't. The comic was such a reflection of its time that I dread to think what might've been done to the story to update it to our own time.

Mind you, it's good to hear they're keeping the London bombing. I kind of thought that might've been deemed unacceptable even before the attacks last July.

Posted by: James Russell at October 20, 2005 05:27 AM

Mature decision my ass. How much would it cost to reshoot? That's why it's staying as is...

Posted by: Tom Whitaker at October 20, 2005 11:40 AM

I live in London, and I have never been in so much fear since 7/7. That day I walked along my streets with police cars patrolling every street corner, the high street cordoned off and a lot of fellow Londoners trying to walk home. But London has risen above it since and so should everybody else living in this great city, its the families of the victims whose healing will take a while and I guess this was Richard's concern of the matter.

The first I heard of this film was through TMB and quite looking forward to see how it will be done.

Posted by: Simone at October 21, 2005 06:18 AM